1 minute read
0ak ol'In isid
"I(lill this oak floor give long service? Can it be laid easily in a smooth, beautiful foor? Is it economical and generally dependable?" The buyer is entitled to have these questions answered in the affirmative.
The l-ong-Bell trade-mark on oak fooring is recognized assurance of durability, beauty and dependable service, because of these safeguards in manufacture:
AII lumber thoroughly air dried before being placed kiln; kiln-dried in rnodern moist-air.kilns; allowed cool 72 hours after liln drying.
Modtrn machinery used in ripping, which rcducea crooL,ed fooring to a minimum.
Best side-matcher machines known, kept in perfect condition, thus insuring perfectly matched stock.
Famous end-matcher machines used, making thie feature of Long-Bell fooring perfect.
Chief inspector and several assistants constantly check the grading of the high class, experiqnced graders.
Bundled with annealed wire, two pieces to each bundle. Moisture-proof sheds keep stock in perfect condition.
The large, well assorted stock on hand at all times enables us to give prompt service. Good average lengths shipped in all grades and sizes, Long-Bell oaL flooring crn bc idcntificd by the Long-Bcll trade-rnark on cvcr5r piecc.