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California Moulding Co.
One of the younger and newer institutions offering service to the Retail Lumber Dealer in the Los Angeles territory is the California Moulding Co., of which Roy E. Harrington is the head and sole owner.
Mr. Harrington', who is a native of Los Angeles, has been identified with the Planing Mill, Retail arrd wholesale lumber business for more than twenty-two years, having in this time beconre well acquainted with the wants and troubles c,onfronting all branches of the business, and it was from these ideas ancl experiences that the California Moulding Co. was originated and started January first of this year.
The offi,ce and warehouse is located at 1306 West 58th Street on the Santa Fe harbor line, the building which is of galvanized corrugated iron is 40x110 f.eet 77 feet high and extends from 58th Street to Slauson Avenue, the inside arrangement is the last w'ord in rack construction for the handling and storing of finished mouldings, all stock is carried on end which insures cleanliness, rapid handling and utilizes floor space to the fullest gxtent, there is a 16 foot driveway the entire length of the building which allows trucks to enter and leave from either entrance, the building is well ventilatecl, the arrangement oi high windows at the ends of all alleyways affords am,ple light at alt times, there is also an overhead electric lighting systent which can be put into service whenever necessary.
The holding racks have a capacity of approximately three million linear feet of finished mouldings of various sizes besides a series of assembling racks used in preparing orders for shipment.
The regular stock carried at all times consists of some fifty standard California Patterns ofI(iln Dried Old Growth Yellow Fir Mouldings, well manufactured and tied in bundles r,r'ith lengths separated, this proves a great convenience to clealers who carry their m'ouldings in horizontal racks saving nruch labor in marking and separation.
Mr. Harrington has endeavored to establish two principals in his business, first to handle only the finest of finishecl mouldings with not always the question of the lowest price in m,ind and second to give the customer a del'iverv on his purchase that will be appreciated by most of the dealers.
All truck equipment delay had been eliminated to the lowest possible degree due to the fact that large quantities can be handled rapidly and accurately in a small space of time, this also means a saving to the dealer who needs his equipment every hour of the daY.
The company confines its bus'iness exclusively to the dealers and has so far enjoyed a fair volume of business since entering the local field ; with the class of stock handlecl and the service rendered they should make many new friends and satisfied customers.
Fred Hamilton Makes Flying Trip To Los Angeles
Mr. Fred C. Hamilton, sales-manager for the Benson Lumber Company at San Diego, rnade a flying trip to Los Angeles last week, on business.
Mr. Art C. Flanigan, for two years manager of the retail hardware department of the Woodhead Lumber Companv, Los Angeles, has resigned to enter another line of business.
Alpine Lumber Company To Represent Globe Export Lumber Company In South
Announcenrrent has been made to the trade, ol the recent arrangements whereby the Alpine Lumber Company of Los Angeles, will in the future be the exclusive Southern California, representatives of the Globe Export Lumber Company, of Seattle. Handling large quantities of fir, spruce and hemlock, this concern does an enormous export business in addition to the local trade. They are also export agents for the Bolcom-Canal Lumber Company, and other mills.

Mr. H. W. Isham, manager pany, is selling agent for the pany, of San Francisco, and pany, of Aberdeen.
oI the Alpine Lurnber ComA. B. Johns,on Lum,ber Comfor \\rilson Brothers Com-
Los Angeles Visited By Oregon Mill Man
I\fr. C. Mc C. Johnson, of Reedsport, Oregon, was a recent visitor in Los Angeles.
Mr. Johnson is the owner of the Reedsport Sash and Door Company, of Reedsport, and is also in the mill game, as a manufacturer on a large scale of the famous Umpqua Sitka Spruce.
Mr. John W. Koehl, one of the pioneers in the mill and sash and door business in Los Angeles Countyn has jusr returned from,a three-months' trip through the eastern and northern parts of the United States. Mr. Koehl made an extensive study of building conditions through'out the country, stopping at practically every large cityin the country. He expresses himself as well pleased with the outlook in other parts of the country, and especially pleased with the interest that is shown every where about Los Angeles.
Mr. Koehl was the founder of the John W. Koehl & Son Company ,of Los Angeles, manufacturers of doors, windows, and distributors of wall boards, panels, etc.Ile retired from the business a few years,ago, and was succeeded by his son, the present president of the com,pany, Mr. A. W. Koehl, who is also general manager of the business.
This is one of the fastest growing institutions rn Los Angeles. Mr. Koehl' senior, received a pleasant surprise on his return from the east, in finding an addition to their factory, all completed, in the form of an entire additional floor, covering the entire plant. Mr. A. W. Koehi st,ates that this addition was made necessary by the large increase shown each n:rrnth in their business.
Prosperity Is Here
It is pleasant to note, that in these times of tow prices and tight orders, that some of the brethern in this great game are showing evidences of prosperity.
A. W. (Al) Koehl, general manager and president of the John W. Koehl & Son Company, Los Angeles, is sporting a brand new five-passenger Cadillac sedan, and is all swelled up over this new possession.