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Random ltems-Mill Run
Walter Kelly Vacationing Sian River
J. Walter Kelly, well known San Francisco lumberman and sales-manager of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., is on a two-weeks' vacation at Rio Nido, the popular sumlmer resort on the Russian River. He is accompanie( by Mrs. Kelly and family.
With the fast nearing completion of the first unit of three new factory buildings, on the site at 2120 East 2.tth Street, Los Angeles, Glasby and Conrpany have reached the first goal in their enlargement plan that calls for the expenditure of many thousands of dollars, and will take nearly two years to complete.
This first unit, of brick and concrete construction, is 80x3ffi in size, and is one of the m'ost modern buildings in the industrial district. The Glasby Company is negotiating at this time for additional acreage, to take care of the future growth of the company.
This com.pany, d,istributors of the line of Glasco Products, fast becoming famous throughout the state, as a result of an extensive advertising campaign, intends adding possibly a dozen more commodities to their line. Just recently they have completed a deal with the McDougall Company, of Illinois, to be the exclusive distributor in California, of the line of McDougall Kitchen Cabinets. This line has found favor with the architects and contractors all through the east, the cabinet having tlre distinct advantage of being suitable for a built in feature, or it can be used on castors the same as the ordinary cabtnet. Having late refinem/ents, such as a small refrigerator included right in the cabinet, metal lined drawers, built-in nread box, etc., the Glasby Company expect this line to create a 'sensation in building circles in the state.
Another recently acquired line that has proved a large success, is the Beatsall-Leather-Mat, that is being distributed in Southern California by this company. Mr. Emil Seidel, manager of this department, reports many jobs that have been completed in the southern part of the state.
Mr. Claire E. Glasby, general managei of the company. intends announcing another line within the next two weeks.
Mr. Fred C. Cook, former secretary of the hardwood association of Los Angeles, has been engaged as sales manager for the company. Mt. Cook has bebn engaged in the lumber business for years,'being located in Seattle prior to his coming to Los Angeles.
A fire caused by a defect in the heating system of a clry kiln, caused a blaze at the Pacific Ready Cut Homes Company plant in Maywood, burning fifteen cars of lumber, valued at over $100,000.00.
Pioneer Paper Executive Returns From Trip
Mr. A. E. Carlson, popular sales manager in the roofing division of the Pioneer Paper Company, at Los Angeles, has returned from a pleasant two-weeks' vacation trio at Catalina Island.
Fred Golding Back From Long Motor Trip
Mr. Fred S. Golding, of the Fred S. Golding Lum,ber Company, Los Angeles, has just returned to Los Angeles fronr a five-weeks' trip by motor that took him as far north as Vancouver, Il. C. Mr. Golding rvas accompanied by Mrs. Golding and their two sons.
X{r. Al Frost, proprietor of the San Diego Lumber Company ancl the Irrost Hardvvood Company of San Diego, spent several days recentlf in San Francisco conferring with officials of the Dolbeer & Carson Mills. Mr. Frost was joined at San Francisco by Mr. Henry M. Hink of the Dolbeer & Caarson Cornpany, and they journeyed together to Eureka to inspect tlte new plant.
R. 0. lYilson lumber Company
Wholerale Lumber Productr
ElXl Fifc Building
Saa Francirco
Telcphone Keaity 4ll
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