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the Order -:^
IIIHAT doyou need in Pacific Northwest lumll ber, or re-manufactured lumber products?
Whatever it is,.Tacoma-"The Lumber C.pital of America"-ss11 fill your order, quickly, completely, economically.
Ask Tacoma for dimension or special orders rn Douglas Fir, Red Cedar, 'West Coast Hemloclc; re-manufactured products, such as doors, veneer panels, columns, wood pipe, broom and mop handles, crossarms and conduit, shingles, box shooks, 8ash, moulding, ply wood, boxes, crates, cases, tank and silo stock, tubs, pails, kits, etc.
Tacoma's output is unsurpassed. Tacoma'e shipping facilities by rail 6r water, are unequalled.
Send your orders to Tacoma. Tacoma manufacturers can, and will, give you immediate attention and accurate gervicc-with epced!
Write for your copy of a handsome, illustrated, boardbound book dcscribing Tacoma's resources and listing lumbcr manufacturere. Valuable and interesting. Sent free on requect.
To haoe gout inquiries rcach the entfte lumber manufacturing inttests of Tdcomd and Tacoma District, usrtte or uire
Heat Proof --'Cold Proof rr Sound Proof With One Material-CELOTEX!
Celotex is INSULATING LUMBER. It is made from baga6se, or cane fibre. This 6bre is felted and interlaced into a tough, tigid, board, having great structural etrength.

Scientific Construction Makes Good Buildings Better
No one today, who is interested in building a home can longer afford to ignore the value of ingulation in the walls and roofs as protection against heat and cold.
The common practice of constructing buildings with' ordinary wood sheathing and building paper, to.shut out heat and cold, is gradually givingj way to t'he use of the moderri-day material-Celotex Ineulating Lumber.
The scientific process, used in converting the canefibre, from which Celotex is made, into building lumber causes it to develop miriards of minute air cells, forming its remarkable insulating quality.' Its strength as gheathing has been fully tested by leading engineers, proving that it is superior to wood sheathing when used for this purpose.
Besides replacing wood sheathing, Celotex is also a plaster base, eliminating lath, an interior, exterio' 6nish, and sound deadenqr. Insulation against heat and cold is cornbined in all itg uses. Celotex makes buildings better.
Dealers Profit
Some live and up-to-date building material dealer is going to secure distributor's righte in your territory. You cannot aftord to overlook this oppor- tunity. It means money to you. For complete infrmation address: Wholesale Department, Wegterir Celotex'Comirany.
7 here is a use for Celotex in eoery building INSULATING LUME}ER
Klicka Brotherg Company, San Diego, Calif.
J. D.*Halttead Lumbe,r' Co.' ltoncr T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinaa Calif.
Frccno, Calif.
Pacific Coast Distributors CELOTEX DEALERS
Geo. L. Eastman Co.
Los Angeles, Calif.
McCraken-Ripley Co., Portland, Oregon.
F. T. Crowe & Co., Seattle, Wagh.
Harrir Broe., Bakerefreld, Calif.
Wedern Arbertor Magneria Co., San Francisco, Calif.
Fldnigen Warehorue Co., Reno. Nevada.
New California Trafficlaws Affect Lumber Trucks
After August 31st, all vehicles on the roacls in California will be required to give turning and stop signals in such a way as to bel visible from the ,left hand side of the car or truck.
This is a part of the new auto lau's that go into effect on the above date, and was drarn'n in this lvay for the fact that practically all cars are controllel from'the left hand side, and collisions have been caused by dritiers of a right 'hand drive car giving signals from the wheel that were not seen by the car following.
M..J. O. Ifeans, wholesaler of Los Angeles, has moved his offices from the former acldress in the Central Building, to room 1001 in the same building. They wi I retaiu their sam'e telephone number.
Hugh Handley Returns From Lake Basin District
Hugh Handlev, of the \ran Arsclale-llairis Lumber Co., San Francisco, has retrrrned from a three-weeks' vacation in the high Sierras. Hugh says that he has covered the various mountain resorts pretty thoroughly in the pa.st, but is sold on the Lake Basin country and for anyone desiring to spend an outdoor vacation, it is an ideal spot. He states that the twenty-six lakes in this section offers excellent fishing, wild game is abundant. and the mountainous scenery cannot be beat. Hugh remarked that there is no difficulty in keeping perishable foods and supplies in the proper condition in the Big Basin section, as their camp was locateC about twentv feet fronr a massive snow bank. He was accorrpanied by N[rs. Handley, his sister, and his two young sons, Warren and \[aft.

605 Fife Bldg.
San Francisco
Phone D..g. 34f5
Our soft White Pine from the Feather River Canyon will meet four requirements for factory lumber and finish. Let us quote on your demands for the coming season.
Your inquiries and orders will receive orlr usual prompt attention if sent either to ourselves or to our Southern California representatives :
Manh-Strong Building, Loc Angeler Phoncr l2TE0_Pieo 24?9
PAUL BUI{YAN LATH, sheathing and lath combined in one piece. Ap"tfect bond for stucco. A solid jobof cheathing. One leas item of material to buy. Reduces cost.
Building lumber and Finish. Factory Lumber. Pattern Stock. Wide clears and uppers for drainboards and shelving. Siding and Moldings, Lath and Shook.