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New Corporation to Consolidate McCormick Lines
Announ,cement of the incorporation of a new steamship company to operate in the coastwise and intercoastal trade under the name of the McCormick Steamship Company, fnc., was made rece;rtly. The line is incorporated for $500,000. Charles R. McC'ormick is president; Sydney Hauptnrzflr vice president; J. S. Brown, secretary-treasurer; Charles S. Heutter, general manager.
The corporation is a consolidation of several steamship lines and agencies {ormerly handled by the incorpora'tors separptely. All the interests are being brought under one centralized control and the business handled by them will be departm,entalized. These interests include the Charles R. McCormick Steamship company, west coast agency of the Munson line; the fleet of steam schooners operated by Sydney Hauptmhn, and the California agency of the Kingsley Steamship company of Vancouver, B. C.
T,he new organiz,ation will include 64 vessels in the coastwise lum,ber, freight and passenger business, six vessels in the intercoas'tal trade, and six new 't'essels which the company has just purchased from the shipping board for the coastwise trade. John M- Henken has been appointed operating manager; J. C. Struttmater, general traffrc manager; Robert Hill, port superintendent' The house flag which formerly marked the vessels of the Charles R'
McCorimck Steamship company's fleet will be flown over the vessels of the new line. A general increase in the service of the McCormick company between San Diego, northern California, Colrrmbia river and Puget Sound points will be made effective July 1.
For rnany months the vessels of the Charles R. McCorm'ick compiny have been transporting a large.part of ^the lumber ""tgo.. brought from north coast points to San Diego and San Pedro. No particular effort has been made to citer to the passenger trade so far as plans of the 'company are known, the freight traffic will continue to be the principal factor of business.
The Common Brick Mamrfacturers Association of California, organized last May, and including about eighty-five per cent of the brick manufacturers in the state, has appointed tr4r. George E. Summerell as the secretary-manager for the association.
Mr. Summerwell is particularly well fitted for a position of this kind. He was for several years Assistant Deputy Commissioner of tsuildings in Cleveland, Ohio, and later held the position as Chief Commissioner. He also was closely asso= iiated with Mr. Ralph Stoddard, of the National Brick Association, assisting in considerable of the work that has been done by the brick manufacturers.
The Common Brick Manufacturers Association of California is a non-profit organization, formed to further unity ad co-operation between manufacturers and consumers of clay brick. They intend a popularizing campaign that will be state wide.
The officers of the new association are: Mr. Walter Simons. of tthe Simons llrick Company, president; Mr. W. M. Dennis, of the \{cNear Brick Company, San Francisco, vice-president; Mr. I-. S. Collins, of the Los Angeles Brick Company, Los Angeles, treasurer; I\[r. Rice, of the Un:on Brick Company, San Diego, and NIr. W. P. Dwyer of the Sacramento Brick
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Company, Sacramento, directors; and Mr. George S. Summerell, secretary-manager.
This is the first state association to be formed in the country, anrl will no doubt be watched with interest by the manufacturers throughout the United States.
Richardson Company Establishes California Office
The Richardson Company, large manufacturers of roofing m,aterials, with offices and plants in Ohio, Louisiana and Illinois, will in the future be represented in the California territory ,by Mr. J. S. Roemer, who will open ofifices in Los Angeles, from which he will cover the state. Mr. Roemer is an experienced roofing man, having had years of training in the game, in the eastern market.

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