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Is lhe Slogan of Ihe Doy
In every avenue of busine$ life it ie conceded that success ia builded not only upon honest values, courteous and fair dealingE, but upon SERVICE. Service to the public, the prospect and to, the cugtomer.
When this word-ite application and realization is considered in connection with building materiale, it is then we come to know its real value-for boards and home parts represent no tangible value until visualized aa units in a com,,pleted article. These raw materials mean very little to the man or woman who is contemplating building a home, on the other hand, a Plan Service which conveys a variety of modern home building ideas, conveniently arranged roomr, etc., a selection large enough to meet and care for individual requirementa, followed with completely detailed building plans and peroonal eervice in advising gradee and kinds of materials to uae, repreeenta a Service to man kind which cannot be equaled by any other profegsion or busineea. Pictures and plane of modern homea, display rooms and building helps are dominating factors for the building of a successful building material business : ao important in fact, ig service in the building of homes that lumber dealers who have in the paet been satisfied with what bugines$ they could get by out-figuring some other dealer, are awakening to a realization that creative bueiness ia not only noncompetitive but, backed by a conotructivc Service, creates a profitable future business.
Satiefred new home ownera are real boosters. Their enthusiaam will stimulate desirea for modern homes and demandc for materiale from the merchant who is equipped to SERVE them.
In all this world there'e no other building plan Service ao complete, !o practical and productive ae the one we have creatcd for you to adopt and apply, and we will welcome the opportunity of serving you.