2 minute read
The Story of Jezebel
Old Uncle Eph war a good old darky who had been blind rince early manhood. During his blindneo he becarne a great lover of the Bible, but beceure of hir infirmity, he had to dcpend for hir Bible reading upon hir wife and yormg daughter. He alro depended on tbem to make hir living for him, which they did by taking in family warhingr. Uncl,e Eph rpent moct of hir time ritting in a big armchair wherc the eunrhine could hit hirq and the bright houru of hir day were thore tirrea when either hir wife or deughter could tpare some time from their wa.rhing and cooking, to read to him from the Good Book. They had no fixed time for thir reading, but for yeare had been in the hrbit of coming in when at leirure, picking up the Bibte, and reading, wbereve'r they happened to open it. Thir would happen rcverd timer a day. The rerult war tlrat Uncle Epb got hir bibtical education romewhat rcrambled.
One night they took Uncle Eph to prayer mceting, and 6e Freacher, who had heard of Ephtr lovc of the Scripturer, arked him if hc worildn't tell them a rtory from the Bible. Greatly pleered Uncle Eph roee, leaning on hir canre, and uid he'd'bc glad to, and wouldn't lomeone ruggert ronc Bible dory for hirn to tell. Up rpoke an old colorcd Mammy, arking:
"Llncle Epht Doer you know de rtory ob Jezebel?"
Uncle Eph raid he not only kncw, bril loved, the dory of Jczebel, and he proceeded to tell it, ar followr:
"Jczebel wcnt dowrr fom Jeruralem to Jerico, an fcll rmong thiever. An they rcnt her arundah an toah hcr epeht. .An one paht fell on dony groun, an th wind blorvd it eway. An one paht fell by thc wayride, and th t{rawnr growd up an choked'it. But one paht fell on good. grour, end dab it lay. An along curn th preachah, an he rcen dat paht layin dah, but went on hir way without ofrerin no hclp. Thcn th ardrtant preachah he cum dong, but he rcen how the preacheh done, an he went along by too. But along cum r kin h'atcd genernrn, and hc rcen det paht, an he pickcd it up, an put it on hir anirnal b€hind hfuq rn bnrng it into town. An bc took Jczebel to the hotcl, end hc gin the botel keepah fo bit to talre kccr of ah, an he raid: "If it'r rny mo Ah'll pay you all whcn Ah gitr brck." An hc wcnt on hir way. An thcn Jczebcl wcnt up to the top f,o
9f thu hotel, an ret lookin out ovah th city. An tb wicked king and hie sojen cum ridin by. An th king eeeo Jezebcl aittin up_ yondah, an he nid to hir captain of iojerr: ..\)Vboever ir tbat woman?" An th Ceptainraid: ..It'c that wickcd lvoman, Jezebel." An th king eayr: '.Gowanr up and tho hc down." An th roierr went up and fung her dovyn. An th king,raid: "Tho her down ceven timee." .A,nd they thew her down seven timer. An th king said: ..Tho hei down aeven timer seven timec reven tim€r.t, An they thew her d"y1 rev-enty timer seven timer. An tihen th dawge came and licked her bruirea And then t[ king had his eojere take th profit and tho him into tte lion'r den. An when he gpt into tlre lion'r den, he sat among em, an th lionr nevah did hurt him, an tben ."
"\f,fait a minute, Uncle Ephr" gaid'the old auntie who hed leUuerted the rtory of Jezebel" ,and who had been lietening like dl the reet with wide araazement at the yam that had been unfolded, "you ain't tellin no Bible r,tory-you murt be tellin e CIRCUS rtory."
"\ilomanr" said Uncle Eph rternly, "herh you morf,! Dir aunt no circrrr rtory. What Ahm tellin you bappened fo thourand yeahr B. C., and you know youref dat B. C. meanr'BEFO CIRCUS$'."
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