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30 Years in building use
For nearly a third of a century Compo'Board has been used as a building material. The test of time has proved its big, outstanding advantages as a wall board.
An Inaestrnent Costs You Nothing
=Th. orrly wall board made that has the com: bined features of(l) great strength (2) resistance to moisture and frost ( 3 ) insulation from heat and cold (4) adaptability to ANY dssey6gien-urall paper, paint or kalsomine.
A bigger rnarket and more uses are the results of the wide, practical adaptability of CompoBoard. For new buildings, remodeling, covering old plaster walls, partitions, store fixtures, and many other purposes iri homes, of6ces, factories and farms-in fact, wherever extra stength, stiffnesg, eaae of handling and climate-proof protection is wanted.
C.mpo-Board does not chip or crack, warp, shrink, buckle, or pull away from the nails.
Lookfor the wood core -:- none other is genuine. 'We have a large, complete stock always on hand. Quick shipments.
Goodwill is an investment that pays big dividends-and it costs nothing!
When you sell *weaner" Roofingo it is absolutely certain that time will prove to your man that youknout roofing; that you gave him the benefit of your knowledge. If this doesn't mean goodwill-money in your pocket-what does?
There's no getting away from ths fsgts- it pays right down the line to push the sale of
Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag
Merryman Shows Them Up
At a recent Thursd,ay luncheon of the H,oo-Hoo Club in Los Angeles, the wholesale and retail lumbermen of Los Angeles were given an opportunity to show what they knew.

^ .Yta3._Q. _Merry_man, Jr., advertising manager of the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT was Ihe chairman.of the day, and Mr. Merryman provided a new stunt for the boys that was a treat.
^ With _the help ofMr. Faul Penberthy of the W. E. Cooper Lum,ber Company, 20 samples of -various kinds of lumber were prepared, each piece shellaced and labeled with a number. Papers were distributed to the thirty-five members presen.t, and they were given a stated time in which.to pass these samples arourid the table, each man ind.entifying the various samrples on his paper, - _A prize_ was given to! the man with tie -highest score. Mr. Frank Connelly of the Western Hardwood Lumber Company, and Mr. Bob Taenzer of the American Hardwood Company, tied with a score of 80 per cent, m,aking it necessary to open the prize box of cigars and passin"e them around the table. These two gentlemen weie ablE to correctly name 16 out.of the N pietes of wood.
Parson Simpkins Pays Wonderful Tribute To President Harding
At the Hoo-Hoo luncheon in Los Angeles on Thursday, August.9_th, (lIog:Hoo Day) Parson Peter A. Simpkins was called on by Vicegerant Williams, and the Parson responded with the most inspiring talk that eny man has ever -been privileged to listen to. Mr. Simpkini told in a wonderful .way of the great love that this country and the rest of the world had for our late president, espeiially emphasizing the tenderness and love that Mr. Harding naa always shown toward all people, and the magnitude 6i tt e loss that the world has suffered.
The Parson referred to Mr. Harding as the greatest an,d most illustrious Brother }foo-I{oo.
The T,os Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club is the recipient of a most unique and useful gift in the form of a cleverly arranged gavel and gong, to be used at all meetings in the future by the order.
__The parties _responsible fot the surprise, are Mr. J. M. Chase of the Owens Parks Lumber Company, Los Ange- les, Mr. C. I. Fisher of the California Saw Works, and phil B. Hart, of the California Lum,ber Merchant. The boys used a beautiful piece of redwood burl for a base, and t#o snrtall branches of manzanita for the hangers, from which they swung a small ni,ckeled rip saw for the gong. The doners were tendered the thanks of the orderfor their thoughtfulness.
Spokane takes the lead, recognizigg the advantages and benefits il becoming a part of the -(Iational Organization. Spokane Hoo-Hoo and lumbermen 'if the Elkad Elko Club made their final decision to merg€ the Elkad Elko Club into a Hoo-Hoo Club at their Ar/nual picnic on Wednesday, July 18th.
This again places Spokane in'the lead and lime light, because of the fact it is the firs| city in the state of Wish-