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Prograrn Complete for Ffoo-Hoo Annual
Following is the complete progr,am for the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo, at New Orleans, September 8 to 12:
Saturday, Septerrbcr 8
9:09 a. m. Registration all day at Hoo-Hoo Headquarters, llotel Gruenwald. Make inquiries there for all information regarding program-about New Orleans, what to do-how to do it-make yourself at homi.
2:00 p. m. Executive Session-Members of Supreme Nine.
4:39 p. m. Osirian Cloister Meeting and Initiation, Hotel Gruenwald, High Priest of Osiris, E. G. Griggs, of Tacoma, Washington, presiding.
6:39 p. m. Osirian Cloister Dinner. All Hoo-Hoo and Ladies invited. This will be a regular get together ge! acquainted dinner from start to finish.
Surnday, Septembcr 9
10:09 a. m. Services, Conducted by Chaplain P. A. Simpkin at New Orleans City Park midst the beautiful trees, for which this park is noted. This will be a real inspiration meeting to which a m,ost cordial invitation is extended not only to all Hoo-Hoo, but lumbermen and their families.
2:09 p. m, Boat ride, seeing Harbor and through the New Canal.
8 09 p. m. Inform,al Reception and get together get acquainted at Hotel Gruenwald.
Monday, Septenrrber l0
9:09 a. m. Opening of the Thirty-Second'Annual Meeting, Gruenwald Hotel, Snark of the lJniverse, W. S. Dickason, presiding.
Invocation-Chaplain P. A. Simpkin.
Address of Welcome.
On behalf of New Orleans.
On behalf of New Osleans Hoo-Hoo and Lum,bermen. Response.
Annual report of the Snark of the Universe, W. S. Dickason.
Annual report of the Secretary-Treasurer, H. R. Isherwood.
Appointment of Committees.
11 :09 a. m. The ladies committee have a program arranged so that there will be something doing every minute of the day.
'12:O9 p. m. Ladies leave Hotel Gruenwald, Auto Tour of the Vieux Carre, followed with luncheon at the famous Patro Royal.
2:O9 p. m. Reports of each member of Supreme Nine, except Snark. General discussion for the good of the Order.
6:09 p. m. Parade all Hoo-Hoo.
8:@ p. m. Ladies' Theatre Party followed ny Buffet Supper.
8:09 p. m, Concatenation at Hotel Gruenwald Convention Hall, followed by Smoker an.d entertainment for a,ll Hoo-Hoo. Concatenation and entertainment to surpass anything ever given in the history of Hoo-Hoo.
Tuesday, September 1l
9:O9 a. m.All Hoo-Hoo will gather to purr and spit over: Reports of Committees.
11:09 a. m. Ladies Auto ride over City and Lake front to Southern Yacht Club for lunch.
(Continued on Page 49.)