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(Continued from Page 47.)
12:@ p. m. Luncheon "Round Table Session" chairman in charge. This will be a session where there will not only be food to eat'but food for thought. Problems of vital importance to Associations, the Lumber Industry and the Pu,blic will be discussed. The attendance of all Hoo-Hoo and Lumbermen is desired.
2:O9 p. m. Election of Officers-selection of ThirtyThir,d Annual Meeting place for 1924.
4:09 p. m. Embalming retiring Snark preparatory to his incarceration in the House of Ancients.
7:O9 p. m. Banquet and Entertainment.
General Chairman of all comrnittees, J. Walter Michel, adviSes National Headquarters by wire that at the meeting just held of the Chairmen of the various committees at the New Orleans .Lum'bermen's Club Rooms, the various reports of the Chairmen show.that splendid progress has been made, and that from the program, as completed to date the visitors to the New Orleans Annual are assured one of the most interesting and entertaining Annuals ever held in the history of this order.
Robert J. Fine, Chairman of the Membership Committee, stated that the Vice Chairman and members of his committees are making splendid progress and that they will have two hundred applications for m.embership for the 32nd Annual concatenation. and states that the members of his committees are willing to wager that they will accomplish their every wish. The committee who will take charge of the concatenation, and the nine who wil,l confer the degrees, plan to make this one of the most impressive concatenations that has ever been staged in Hoo.Hoo.
The attendance at the 32nd A.nnual Meeting of the Conatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo promises to be one of the most representative, by states and in number in many years. This is indicated by ihe number that have already made hotel reservations through National Headquarters and by the number of inquiries received for information concerning the Annual.
The Illinois Central Route has been selected by the Supreme Officers as the official route. Plans are well under way for a Hoo-Hoo Special following the same schedule as the Panama Limited. Special reservations are being m,ade fo,r two special cars out of Chicago, whidh will be made up of members from Chicago District, adjoining states, and the extreme Northwest.
St. Louis will have two special cars made up of members from the states of Missouri and southern Illinois.
New York will charter a special at New York City to carry the clelegates ,of their district and the New Engiand states, joining the Hoo-Hoo Special at Fulton, Kedtucky. A large number of delegates will join en route from Fulton south. This train rvill leave Chicago September 7th, 1230 p. ffi., arriving New'Orleans l1:00 a. m., Septeryber Sth.
All information and details will be announced in connection with reduced rates within the next few days. Information concerning Hotel reservations, and any information concerning the Annual or railroad rates and reservations may be obtained by addressing H. R. Isherw,ood, SecretaryTreasurer, ll74 Arcade Bldg., St. Louis, Missouri.
Secretary-Treasurer Isherwood, in his tour of the Pacific Coast advises the interest displayed in,the coming Annuil N{eeting and the number of members planning to attend is far bey"ond expectation.
Delegates from the Northwest will be headed by High Priest of Osiris, E. G. Griggs, of Tacoma andf Donald. H. Clark, Supreme Bojurn of Seattle, Washington
C. D. LeMaster, Senior Hoo-Hoo of Fresno, California, will head the delegation from the leading Hoo-Hoo state of the Union. Many of the leading and prominerrt members of San Francisco, Los Angeles and. San Diego have already made their plans to join the California delegates.
The gentlemen' pictured trefl*itfrl"l,lr. Joseph R. Btunt, has succeeded Mr. Donald Clark; as secretary of the RiteGrade Shingle Association.
As stated in the August first issue of the California T umber Merchant, Mr. Clark has taken the treasurership of the Pioneer Lumber Company of Seattle.