4 minute read
Paramino Line To Start Freight Service Between San Diego And Puget Sound
Freight service between San Diego and Puget Sound will be inaugurated this week by the five lumber steamers of the Paramino line, according to announcement made'by Frank Paramino, president of the Paramino Lumber Comr pany.
- The steamers to engage in the northbound freight service are the San Diego, Quinault, Thomas Crowley, Lake Cayuga and Lake Fiances, the latter two recently having been purchased from the shipping board.
The Lake Cayuga will be renamed the Dorothy Wintermote in honor of the daughter of E. V. Wintermote, secretary and treasurer of the Puget Sound Lumbel Company, ivith which the Paramtno company is affiliated.
Southbound, the lumber steamers will carry lumber from the northbrn ports and instead of traveling north in ballast will accept freight offerings in competition with the lines now operating in the coastwise freight and passenger servrce.
New Manager Takes Charge At Coronado
I llr. Neil B. Taylor, a former lumberman of Coronado, I has taken the management of the Coronado Lumber Com- t p"ty, at Coronado. ' This company was recently bought from Mr. J. -M. Helderbrand, Uy the Western Lumber Company of San Diego.
Are you taking advantage of "Ceda'line" advertising ?
Every housewife in your vicinity is inter€stcd in all-year round protection against moths at nomihal cost. Women see the national advertising of Bruce aromatic Tennessee red cedar lining for clothes and linen closets, such as this pagc from the September issue ol "House Beautiful." and want to know where they can get "Ceda'line," and how much it will cost to have it installed.
The lumber dealer w.ho advertises in the local newspapers that he carries "Ceda'line." or mails tc ev€ry prospect one of the new illustrated {olders de' scribing "Ceda'ine," will get this profitable business.
We will send you attrac' tivelv illustrated "Ceda' 'linei' Iolders, with vour .name and address im' printed, in quantities, readY Jor mailing from Your rhis ad wiu ap-:l1T'",1lolli,.X"l,X'l:'. H ^ bear as a titt;iJ^l,iii;;:'fi;'.i;;.:"b;; "hese fotders bape in Sehtem- servfce- degartment will furnished f r e e 'n ir H i u s " if;o'11';.J"';:,t'l;i *il,l ;t quantities deBeautitul. su-pplying cuts. slred.
Mr. Stanley W. Plummer, formedy Patten Davies Lumber Company, has San Dimas Lumber Company's plant,
Dimas Lumber
connected with the taken charge of the at San Dimas.
The Osgood Lumber Company, operatin-g a retail yard at Bell, ha-s opened the new yard just esta'blished at-I4ynnwood. ' The new plant is in- charge of Mr. E. Steffanvin, qho has been in charge of the Bell operations.
"Your magazine is a source of inspiration t'o me and deserves all the praise you are getting from everyone."
Walter Mink. Merced.
Mr.' Mark W. Lillard, of Los Angeles, has return€d from a delightful two-weeks' motor trip through the northern part of the state.
Mr. Lillard, acc\ompanied by Mrs. Lillard, covered over two thousand miles, and they state that it was the most pleasant vacation they have ever enjoyed.
Hardwood Flooring
In Maple, Beech, Birch and Oak ir
Labor Saving
becausc it is thoroughly seasoned, ecientifically Kiln Dried, and manufacturdd ae nearly perfect ag mod' ern machinery and human endeavor will permit.
Sold through lumber dealera for the past twenty years.
Menufrcturcd end Guarentccd by NICH0LS & C(lX IUilBER C0.
'Thc Honc of SLillcd 'WoodworLcrr"
Hammond Lumber Company Assured Site For Yard At Colton
The Colton Chamber of Commerce at a recent meeting, passed a resolution, pledging the support of the Chamber in obtaining a site for a yard for the Hammond Lumber Company.
This company had a lease on a piece of ground in Colton, but was held up owing to a protest by residents, in connection with the closing of an alley, adjacent to the property.

Los Angeles Chamber Of Commerce Gives Higures
Interesting figures on I-os Angeles lumber receipts, have just leen released by Mr. F. \r. Stump, of the Los Ange- les Chamber of Commerce..
Mr. SJump states-that-: Enough lumber to build twenty- four solid city blocks of five-roorq bungalows is unload6d each day at Los Angeles Harbor.
_ Durjng,_thg, leven months ending July 31, vessels brought 728,W,W board feet of lumbei inio the harbor. Mr. Stump predicts that.the record for the year will reach m,ore than 1,250,000,000 feet which could be Cut into enoush one inch boards to encircle the globe nine times wiln enough material left over to build a five-foot fence from Los Angeles to New York.
The estimated year's lumber shipments would be sufficient tb comipletely build a city the size of Rome or the com'bined residence sections of the cities of Indianapolis, In_d.; Albany, N. Y.; Topeka, Kan., and Portland, Me.
It is estimated that approximately 75 per cent of this lumber remains in Los Angeles and suburbs and that @ per cgn! used in this city goes into homes. Trhis, he points out, is borne out by the city's building permits-for iwell- ings and; tallies with the estimaie that at least 150.000 oersons will be added to the qopulation during t'fii y-""r, bringing the total to a firll rriittjOn.
National Forest Fire Record
San_ Francisco, Aug. 2.-A total of 354 fires have .oc. curred in the National Forests of California since f""""rv 1, according to report by District Forester p;i b. ild'_ r_ngton of the San Francisco ,ofifce, United States Forest Service. These fires burne,d over iO,SOO acres of Govern- ment land and 12,500 acres of private land within and ad_ jacent to the Federal forests. Over 80 per cent of the fires were discovered and extinguished by Forest Service offi_ cers before they had covered over l0 acres each.
. Fifty per cent _of the fires were rnan-caused, largely through the carelessness of smokers and campers.
- Forty-four arrests for violation of State and F.ederal fire laws have been made by Forest of6cers, and 37.o""i.ti""" secured.
A rewand of $50 for the arrest and c,onvictton of anv perlgq -or pe_rsons violating the State or Federal fire la#s in, Siskiyou .County is.offerid by the Board of Supervisori l'hrs is another.step in.the intensive public campaign be_ ing waged -by the northern counties io stamp out "incen_ diarism 'and fires set through the carelessness of visitors to tho National Forests.
New Yard At La Habra
_ Mr. John W. Smith, formerly- manager of the Gibson Lopb"l Company,.at_Fulle_rton hgs op6ned " y"ra-"i i. Habra, known as the John W. Smith Lumber io*o"rr.,.The new cbmpany will have attractive "m".r, a!ri-J""a to rnclude a sales and -show room, and they will car"ry a line of hardware, together with wall boards] ,ooting,-.i".*