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ing ranger or the caretaker of a recreation camrp. He has usi for-all the education and technical training he has been able to secure, and he adds something to it every day. His closest ally in the long run is the intelligent lumb.erman. The teim "ranger" -does not in the least describe him, any more than "Cowboy" mea-ns the same as "stockmanr" o-r "rancher" means "farmer." This "forester" is in realitv a "f'orest man," and much more than a "ranger."
It ii true, of course, that the terms "forest ranger," "park ranger," 'jTexas ranger" have taken their places-in our. pioieer literature, to which they givean atmosphere of iull and reckless adventure. But we think that the time has come when all who carry on the work of our N'ational Forests should be thought of as plain forest-men and forest-women'
.HARLES H. 'HINN, U. S. Forest Service, Northfork, Calif'
We Offer
Retail Lumbermen
make a pro6t on and satisfy their customers with Hardwood Floorhg rnd hardwood finirh sales.
'We believe Superlor Brand ts the best oak floor- t';; ;;a;.- w6 betieve this because in the first
;i;"e- iais flnlshetl on atlse-head milling tT.a+Ln5iv-1ttit-pioduces a face flnistr unequalled -b.v an-v other-process. In the flnished product,-this means no knlfe marks. In the second place, o*i"i to sDecial individual methods of -manu- factuie, Superior Brand has a remarkably unlioim moisture content whlch reduces 'lqupplnc': and "buckllig" to the mlnlmum' ln the tnlrc ii.*"",-o*i"s-to the f-act that our lumber all 6oilei trom-the aame localtty it h"q-a remarkable unlform color and texture- rhese racf,s' t"iittiei with a quallty of oak seeond to none ;r-r;;, us to belidve th'at vou will be int€rested in seetng this superlor product. wrlte ror samples now.
1 Superior Oak Flooring Co.
] Hclcna, Arkanrar
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