1 minute read
Hello! Paint? No, we don't handle no paint. There ain't no profit in paint But ray, I sure want a chance to bid on that house of yourn, ant I'll sure make you a clore pricc. Goodbya
Hello! Mrs. Joner? Good morning! Paint? Well I rhould ray wG do handle pdnt. Wouldn't run a building stone without it, and wetye got the bert Iine in thir country. Croittg to rc-paint your houee and make r<rme improvementr, eh? Wait a minute, Mrs. Joner, I'll iump into my car and come right over there and bring my interior paint plan books with me, to chow you just how a room looks when it'r finished, and give you a variety to choose from. Sure! I'll rell you, your lumber bill, and the paint to cover it properly. Thanb; I'lI be right oven