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Kindly E,xpressions

Just a few of hundreds received

"A dandy iseue. It was 1 f,g111!"-Rod Hendrickron, Hendrickson Lumber Co.

"A fine issue. I looked it over from cover to cover and alro looked over the sever5.tt-$ob McCullough, McCul' lough Lumber Co.

"The Birthdey l*ue war rurely a pip."-p1ed Roth' J. H. Mc€dlum.

"The Birthday lrsue war rome baby. It war a very fine i33116."-l(6nneth Ernerson, Tacoma Planing Mill, Inc., Ta' ooma, Warh.

"It war e dandy number. I enjoyed it very much."Theodore Lerch, Albion Lumber Co.

"I congratuLate you on the annud isrue of the California Lunber Merchant. It is one of tfie most creditable igues of a trade journal I ever raw. You have every rerson tote proud qf i1."-Haqy T. Kendall, Saler Manager Kirby Lbr. Co., Hourton.

"Perrrit me, please, to compliment the California Lum' ber Merchant on turning out ruch a magnificent Birthday Nurnber. We are for you dl the time."-H. W. Swafrord, E J. Stanton & Son.

"I war amazed when I received the 1925 Birthday Num' bcr. It ic beautiful, full of interesting things, and we urely do congratulate you""-H. L. and L. M. Rolenberg, Hipo' lito Co.

"The July 1 irue waa a wonderful number thic year. I nrrely enjoyed reading it."-Lloyd Harrir, Holmer'Eureka Lumber Co.

"The Birthday lrsue war a wonderful number. The bert isue you ever published. Surely a 'pippin'."-[l61as1 Maris, H. P. Maria Panel Co.

"The Birthday lrrue waa a very fine iecue this year.t'John L Reed, J. R. Hanify Co.

"The three'year-old youngrter has grown like a true Californian, and by another year I confidently believe we ahall be calling him "The Biggert Lumber Magazine in the World." There can be no doubt about it-the California Lumber Merchant has revolutionized the lumber industry intbb rtate, and the lumber merchantr are feeling the inrpiration of tfie Dionne philorophy almost to a man. They are daily becoming more optimirtic, more human, more kindly, more business-Iike, and if the good work goes on airother three yearr will give them and their tarks the pep of a Fourth of July pin-wheel. So I congratulate you.upon tbe child'r third glorious birthday, and ray with all my heart, "Muy, many heppy returnr of the 3s1ns."-lVtrr. Fred E Coner, Sacramento, California.

"You boye cure did put it acrosr on that July First isrue and I want to thank you for all the lumbermen in tte etate. It was a wonder.tt-J. A. Thomas, Coor Bay Lumben Co.

"I want to add a few feeble wordr of congratulation of your Annual Number. Every one in thb plant found a lot of interesting thingr, and we want some extra copiee if any are available."-A. W. Koehl, John W. Koehl & Son' Loc Angeles.

"Three timec now I have taken a day off to read a Birth' day Issue of the California Lumber Merchang and I am looking forward to doing the same thing for tte next twenty-five yeanr. But I doubt if you will ever make a better one than this lart efiort; it war a dandy."-F. M. Connellyt Woodhead Lumber Company.

"Jack, I think you out-did younelf thie time, in yorn 1925 Birthday lrsue. I cannot begin to tell you how.much we enjnyed i1.tt-Ls6 J. Gennain,

Gennain Lumber Co.

"l want to compliment you on your issue of t[e Third Birthday Number. lt ie a knockout! May you see many more Birthday Numben go to preu. I have heard tte moct favorable comments from ttose who I have talked fe."Herry V. Hanson, California Panel Company, Los Angelea

"If Jack Dionne could only play golf as well ar he cele' bratee the Birthday of your journal no one could beat him. More power to you."-1d.

L (Gur) Hoover, Loe


"I arh pleared to herewith acknowledge your Third Annivenar5r Edition, iceue of July 1' 1926. I take thir opportunity of expresring myrelf er being well pleared with your paper, not only thir'particular irrue, but all of ttem. Ar a Lumber Journd we look fotvard to each issue and may auccelr alwayr be with you."-C.


S. Frantz, Loop Lunber

"A very fine number. It wae $rely a big irsue.t'-R. A. Hircox, Western State Lumber Co.

"It war a fine issue. .A, cracker-jac[.tt-f,,{s. P. Ivory' California White & Sugar Pinejvlfg. Ascociation.

"A beautiful number. It war a knock-out.rr-Walter Kelly, Char. R. McCormick & Co.

"It war a great issue. You fellowr have surely developed the iournal in wonderful rhape."-\{slter Ba[ J. R. Hanify Co.

t'A rplendid isrue. I expect to look it over thoroughly ar it lookr like an exceptionally fine nunls1."-Qhas. R. McCormick, Chas. R. McCormick & Co.

"A vgry fine number. It war a verl/ creditable i3s11s."Frank OCorinor, Donovan Lumber Co.

"Ve-rs good paper. From geneqal appeararges it looks like e very Bood iuue.-Henry Hink, Dolbeer-Carrron Lunbcr Co.

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