1 minute read
Friday, September l8th, at the Wilshire Country Club, Los Angeles
This wil| positively be the largest and happiest affair cver held by the [.os Angeles Club, and allHoo Hoo are invited. Eighteen hole play, in tfre afternoon, aseorted contertr, WholenlerE vr. Retailerr, Blind Bogy, C-alcuttq Banquet in the evening, many prizec in different divisions; all for one entrance fee of $5.00. Three dollan onlyfor those who do not stay for dinner, and thnee dollan only for those that corne to dinner only and do notplay golf.
We Want Lumbermen From All Over The State To Attend
Please make a note of tfre date, arrange to be there, and tell eyeryonc about it. WATCH FOR NOTICES IN THE MAIL