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(The Clearing House)
This Column of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to SelI
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rctc: $2.s0 per colutnn inch
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Officeclerk And Stenographer Wanted
Young man preferred, but will consider lady, for bill clerk, counter and phone work, and must be able to write shorthand and use typewriter rapidly. Previous experience necessary. Address in own handwriting and give full particulars of past employment, age and salary expectecl. Santa Barbara Lumber Company, Santa Barbara, Cal.
California town by or office, 20 years' capacity. Can furnish A-1 references. Address Box 4-63. care Cal. Lbr. Mer.
Salesman Wanted
Large Redwood Sawmill wants an experienced lumber salesman to call on the retail lumber trade in Northern California. Prefer a man with redwood experience and who knows the retail lumber trade. State age, experience and references. Address Box A-59, care California Lttmber Merchant.
Position Wanted
By married man, 20 years' experience in retail lumber business, So. Calif. Will'consider position as salesman, yard foreman, bookkeeper, estimator, collector, manaqer. etc. Can give best of references. Prefer Los Angeles, Hollywood, Glendale or San Fernando Valley. Can go to work on short notice. Address Box A-55. care California Lumber Merchant.
Position as bookkeeper, stenographer or general office assistant wanted by young lady in retail lumber office. For past three years has been associated with S. F. Bay Lumber Company and am thoroughly familiar with lumber office routine. Address Box A-56, care California Lumber Merchant.
Business For Sale
It is not often that the opportunity presents itself to buy a business established over ten -v*ears in a city that is gror,r'ing as fast as Seattle. But as other interests demand all our time, we are going to dispose of our lumber business. No real estate, buildings, accounts or'"blue sky." Will give a long lease on land and buildings. $20,000 to $25,000 necessary to handle. Address Box A-60, care Lumber Merchant.
Salesman Wanted
For I-os Angeles industrial territory. Call on furniture manufacturers. etc. Want man who khows territory and this kind of trade. Own car, will pay salary and allowance for machine. Address Box F-63, care California Lumber Merchant.
Well known planing mill ruperintendent and factory manager open for porition about Septernber 15f:h. Porsibly r(x)ner. Any rize plant up to a preferable crew of forty. Personally supervile production and eetimating. Addrer Box A-Gl, care Cdifornia Lumber Merchant.
WANTED-Position in some good California torvh by c.orxpetent lumberman, capable in yard or office, 20 years' experience retailing. Will start in any capacity. Can furnish A-l references. Address Box 4-62. care California Lumber N,Ierchant.
PAUL BUNYAN'S California Pine Veneers
,-f-t{E soft. uniform texture of California White Pine. It Our Westwood forests are noted for superior quality Cali| *itf -;"i ;h;J -and b.i.rg free from resin and acids fornia Pine. Every step of -manufacture in our new factory r i";;" ;" iJ."i u"". for stJin, paint and enamel. Beau- the best practice developed !v the industrv.Daily capacity tifU g*i" putt"rn" brought out by rotary cutting. 100,000 square feet three-ply. Year round operation.
Laboratory Test of Glue Joints
(Complete text upon application)
"It is interesting to note that in every case wood failure was experienced (glue joint held and wood fractured) and we would particularly call your attention to the high average strength of the samples after withstanding boiling and soaking tests. This report proves that you are turning out a first class commercial panel that should stand -every test that your customers or competitors make."
Glad to send you samples and quotations.