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arl importillnt advalntage th at nrakes sales e-ilsy
Besides its other outstanding protective qualities, Pioneer Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coatings resist fire.
Each year, approximately 25/s of the nationts fire loss is caused by fires that start on roofs. When you sell youf customef a roof coating job of Pioneer Asphalt Emulsion, you are gving himnot only positive protection against vsadrgl-$ut additional protection against the hazard of loss by fire, too.
Pioneer has prepared a definite, practical plan based on the success' ful experience of other lumber dealers that will sell Asphalt Emul' sion for you.
Keep gourself safe from competition by using the exclusive ptoducts manufactured by Pioneer Paper Company.
Displays Feature " An """ Siding at Los Angeles Exhibit
The use of California redw,ood as a siding material is being introduced to the architects and builders of Los Angeles by two new displays recently erected in the Architects Building Material Exhibit at Fifth and Figueroa streets. These displays, illustrating the adaptability of the siding to the Monterey and Colonial styles of ar.chitecture, show that the thickness of the wood, rvhich is greater than that of ordinary siding, not only adds to the strength and insulation of the walls, but throws heavier shadows which add
Now is the Time to Advertise
"NOW is the time to start advertising. Start the machine in 'first' not later than September, shift to 'second' around the first of the year and then throw in to'high' in April.
"While this prescription ,cannot be applied to all industries alike, it will especially apply to all those individual manufacturers, merchants and industries whi'ch in recent months have been compelled through shortage of funds or conservation of resour,ces to temporarily curtail or stop their advertising altogether.
"Who will pay for this advertising, is a fair question to ask. The manufacturer or mer,chant who does not advertise will pay."
This is the statement of George H. Corliss, member of the California bar, authority on mer,chandising, Advertising and Sales Promotion Manager of the J. A. Fay & Egan Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, the world's oldest manufacturers of woodworking machinery.
Large Sum Appropriated For Forest \(/ork in California
Under the terms of the emergency relief and regular appropriation bills passed by the last Congress, g3,584,615 will be spent this fiscal year in the national forests of California for the constru'ction and improvement of forest highways, roads, trails, bridges and fire prevention projects, according to report of S. B. Show, chief of the California Region, United States Forest Service. This is the largest sum ever re,ceived in one year by the local Forest Service for road and improvement work, and will furnish employment for large numbers of men.
Of the total Federal allotment to the national forests of California, $1,458,566 comes from the Emergen,cy Relief Bill signed by President Hoover on July 21, which contained a $10,000,000 item to be expended in the national forests throughout the country for unemployment relief. The balance, $2,726,U9, is a part of the regular Department of Agriculture appropriation for road and trail ,construction and protection improvements in the national forests.
lllustrating the use ol'CalilorniaoRedwood u.Anzac" sid,ing lor colonial greatly to the ar,chitectural beauty and appearance of the stru'cture.
New Zealand and Australia dis,covered this use for California redwood about five years ago, and because of the termite resisting qualities of the wood, have allor,ved it to enter both ,countries free of duty. The siding, rvhich is called "Anzac," was narned after the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces in the rvorld war.
Major roads within the national forests of California that form part of the standard State and county highway system, will receive $2,347,672, and an additional $1,236,943 will be expended on minor national forest roads, trails, firebreaks and other protection improvements.
"The IJ. S. Forest Service," said Mr. Show, "welcomes the opportunity to give substantial aid to those who are out of work. We are also planning to continue..our cooperation wiih the California Unemployment Commission in the establishment of labor'camps in or near the natio4al forests as was done last winter.
Open Logging Operation
The Pacific Lumber Company recently reopened .their Su'eetrvater logging operation.