2 minute read
The Argot of Mod ern Business
(Author Unknown)
Of psy'chological interest in these times is the following letter from a father to his urban daughter:
My dear Daughter:
You ask me if your husband should stay on in his present position at an "adjusted" salary, but you forget to tell me what he should do if he didn't. You and he couldn't very well ,come here just now. Your brother Sheridan's salary has just been "re,considered," so he moved in to his old room at home, and brought his wife.
Your sister Eloise telegraphed the next day that Wilfred has just been offered a new contract that was an insult, so your mother is airing out her room. Wilfred never could endure insults. Your sister Frances, who you will remember has been a private secretary, rvrote last week that if anybody thinks she is going to drop to the level of a com-
Bill Chantland Spends Week In High Sierra
Bill Chantland, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back on his territory following a week's vacation spent in the High Sierra. His family accompanied him on the trip.
mon typist, they are mistaken, so we expect her any day. What with those and the younger children, I imagine that as long as Rupert's salary is merely being "adjusted," he had better stay. An adjustment is nothing like a reduction. It's hard for me to keep up with the new language of big business, but as I understand it, an "adjustment" is the equivalent of a raise. Of course, Rupert wouldn't know that; he has been working only sin,ce 1928, he should ask some old timer to explain what a raise is.
My own business is coming along fine. It was sold on the ,courthouse steps last Friday, but there were no bidders, so the sheriff let me keep it. That makes the best month I've had since the upturn.
Your affectionate father,
\Tilliam N. Ferrin
William Nelson Ferrin, manager of the Western Lumber Co., Westfir, Ore., was killed when he fell from a walk twenty feet above the mill dam, August 2, Mr. Ferrin was the son-in-law of M. C. Woodard, of Portland, who is president of fhe company. He is survived by his widow and two small children. His father and mother live at St. Helens, Ore:
Golf Tournament August 17
The monthly golf tournament of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club will be held at the Hacienda Country Club, Whittier, Calif., on Wednesday afternoon, August 17, L932. Lunch will be served at the Club, and following the tournament there will be a dinner. A1l lumbermen are invited to attend.
M,cCormick Supply Company, Northern California agents for the Fir-Tex Insulating Board Co., have moved their offices to the Sheldon Building, 461 Market Street, San Francisco.
Chas. R. McCormick, Jr., sales manager of the company, reports a gratifying in'crease in sales of Fir-Tex for insulating and acoustical purposes.
The company also handles Atlas Fibre Board products.
Andrew F. McNair, of McKinnon-McNair Lumber Co., St. Helena, was in San Francisco for the Shrine Convention, luly 26 to 28.