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Lady Stenographer Wants Position
Yard For Sale
Lumber yard for sale, East Bay District. Excellent location. $7000 cash, full price, will close deal. Address Box C-449, California Lumber Merchant.
Salesman Wants Position
Wholesale selling connection wanted by salesman, ag'e 30, with ten years' selling experience all Western lumber products. Familiar with both Northern and Southern California retail trade, and will ac'cept position in either territory. Highest references. Address Box C-446, care California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted Work
Lumberman with several years'experience in all branches of the retail lumber business desires position' Can furnish good references and will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-447, California Lumber Merchant.
Chips From The Forest
The important part that national forests play in game conservation and propagation, and the opportunities they ofier to hunters and sportsmen, is well shown in the report just issued by the United States Forest Service which states that there are 1,176,000 big game animals in the 150 Federal forests of the United States and Alaska. Game census estimates made by forest rangers in 1931 give the following totals: Deer,969,350; black and brown bear, 50,600; gtizzly and Alaska brown bear, 3,750; elk, 96,910; mountain goats, 22,260; mountain sheep, 12,560; antelope, 72,730; moose' 7,840.
National forests of the follorving States lead in the number of big game animals of difierent species: Deer, California,284,36O; black and brown bear, California, 8,480; grizzly and Alaska brown bear, Alaska, 3'000; elk, Wyoming, 31,100; mountain goats, Alaska, 11,00O; mottntain sheep, Colorado, 3,500; antelope, Atizona, 5,450; moose' Minnesota, 2,830.
The Shenandoah National Forest in Virginia has been renamed the George Washington National Forest by executive order of President Hoover. Located in a region frequently traversed and in part surveyed by George Washington, this forest will be a fitting memorial to the Father of his ,country. Other national forests named for presidents are the Lincoln in Ne'iv Mexico, the Roosevelt in Colorado, and the Cleveland in California.
Young lady with several years' experience in the lumber business, wants position with Los Angeles lumber firm. Familiar with all office details. Address Box C-444, care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumberman
Lumberman and shingle expert with years of experience, familiar with all details of the mill, wholesale and retail business, qualified to fill any position in sales department or in office, wants position. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-445, The California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position As Yard Manager
Experienced lumberman would like position managing country yard in Southern California. Familiar with all details of the retail business. Can furnish references. Would appreciate an interview. Address Box C-448, care California Lumber Merchant.
E. G. Reel has opened a hardwood yard at 1306 West 58th Street, Los Angeles, where he will carry on a wholesale and retail business in hardwood lumber, sugar pine, spruce, white cedar and plywoods. Mr. Reel has been connected with the hardwood lumber business in Los Angeles for a long period. His slogan is "'Reel' Lumber Service."
Honolulu Man Visits California
Howard N. Mosher, of Lewers & Cooke, lumber and building rnaterial merchants of Honolulu, lvas a delegate to the Shrine Convention at San Francisco, representing Aloha Temple, Honolulu.
While on the mainland Mr. Mosher visited the ofihces of various lumber concerns in Seattle and San Francisco, and included in his itinerary a trip up the Redwood Highway.
The office of the California Lumber Merchant is in receipt of a communication from the United Research Company, with general ofifices at 125 West Madison Street, Chicago, I11., advising that they are anxious to locate Ulysses L. Appleford who in 1915 resided in Seattle, Wash., where he rvas engaged in the business of a timber broker. They have requested that we insert a news item in our publication feeling certain that some of our readers may be able to give them some assistance.
PeNu. Srocrrra\&NEER in OAK
Quartmdwhite Plain whit?
-fuIahognry rumHcicnNv
White ?dar RED GUM fu$krd Fiprr.d pnsdectcdORE G ON PINE
'We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywood west of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demand. Progessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.
Also a Complete Line of Pressed. W ood Mouldings SEND