3 minute read
With That Mutual Interest
Expert counsel to prevent firesSpecialized policies to protect against lossSubstantial dividends to protect against cost. 'Write any of our companies.
Catnlfudr.t!ffitdnl Thc Lubcnor tntrrl luruoCorpuy of lmmeConput of Vu WcrL Otio feuficld, Ohio lndhulanbcruortuturl NortlwclcnfrhrlFin Imnlcc Coupuy of Ascilior of luliupolir'lqt. Sottlc'WuL fhc Lsnbcr tutud Fin Pouvlroie laubcno lmmoConprryof fnnrlFirchrroeCo.of lo*o1' tu Plhlclplir, Pu penter's successor to the Presidency of The McCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud, California, is Mr. Robert Hixon.
Mr. Eames has been connected with Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke interests since 1907; having filled numerous offices since that time and has been executive vice-president since Ig25. He takes over the executive authority at a time of great diffi'culty and stress throughout the entire industrial world. He will have the loyal support of the organization built during the years of his predecessors.
For many years Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company directed the sales as well as the management of companies producing Shevlin Pine. In September, 1931, complete iegregation of produ'ction and sales resulted in the organization of Shevlin Pine Sales Company and Shevlin Pine Sales Company Limited, for the purpose of handling more efficiently the sale of Shevlin Pine.
The present changes in Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company organization have not afiected Shevlin Pine Sales -Co-p"ty or Shevlin Pine Sales Company Limited' The members of the board of directors of both companies are E. L. Carpenter,'Paul V. Eames, J. P. Hennessy, Robert Hixon and R. W. Wetmore. The offi'cers of both companies are as follows: J. P' Hennessy, -President; L' W' -Carpenter, Vice-Prisident; F. 'W. Coan, Vice-President; C' H. Shevlin, Vice-President; L' O. Taylor, Vice-President' Executive 'offices of both sales 'companies are located at 900 First National Soo Line Building, Minneapolis' District sales offices are maintained in Chi'cago, Minneapolis, New York. San Francis'co and Toronto' The Shevlin Pine Sales Company Limited will sell in Canada the products of The McCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud, California; The Shevlin-Hixon Company, Bend, Oregon; Carpenter-Hixon Company Limited, Blind River, Ontario; Shevlin-Clarke Company, Limited, Fort Frances, Ontario'
Not A Success
The experiment of strict enforcement of the anti-trust laws has not proved a success. What we need is power to act, not prohibition against action. We cannot longer tolerate a situation that makes it impossible for men to carry on their trade with profit to themselves and usefuliress to others.-James
R. Garfield.
Exactly As Dictated
"Now, Miss Blogg", boomed Jasper M. Whurtle, Whurtle Whirland Laundry Company, to his new stenographer; "f want you to understand that when I dictate a letter, I want it written AS dictated and not the way YOU think it should b+understand?"
"Yes, sir," said Miss Blogg, "I fired three stenographers see ?"

ttYes, sir."
"All right-take a letter."
meekly. for revising my letters,
The next morning Mr. O. J. Squizz of the Sguizz Flexible Soap Company received the following:
Mr. O. K. or A. J. something-look it upSquizz, President of the Spuizz-what a name-Flexible Soap Company -the gyps-Montreal-that's in Quebec, aift it?
"You're a heluva business man. No, start over. IIe's a crook but I can't insult him or the bum will sue me. Quit chewing that'pencil. The last shipment of soap you sent me was of inferior quality and I want you to understand, -no scratch that out-I want you to understand, Ah, unless you can ship, furnish, ship, no furnish me with your regular soap, you needn't ship us no more period or whatever the grammar is, and please pull down your skirt. This damn cigar is out again, pardon me, and furthermore where was I? Nice bob you have, baby.
"Paragraph. The soap you sent me wasn't fit to wash the dishes-no, make that dog-with, comma let alone the laundry comma and we are sending it back period. Yours truly. Read that over, no nwer mind, I won't waste my time on that egg, I'll look over the carbon tomorrow. Sign my name. And say-how about you and me going out to lunch?"
A Measuring Stick
A man should so live that at the close of the day he can repeat: I have not wasted my day.
Methought I saw a genial soul, Whose face beamed jollity. He raised his club as if to strike, And only hit the tee.
"Now how could anyonF' said I "Oh, go to Hell", said he.
Could we but regard ourselves as interdependent, as nations that must trade with each other, that must lend to each other, that must trust one another, that must grin and take on the spirit of reciprocal friendship, we would give courage to the faltering voices of statesmen who see the course we should traverse but who are not emboldened yet by an enlightened opinion to set their faces to the horizon that beckons them.-David Lawrence.
Using Her Own Stuff
Mother: "Johnnie, I know thousands of little boys and girls who would be glad to eat that spinach."
Johnnie: "Name three of thern-"
She Only Had One Husband
The big Irish woman went into the gents furnishing store and told the salesman she wanted a collar for her husband. She selected it, and told him to wrap it up.
"Do you only want one?" asked the salesman, superciliously.
"Certainly, you fat head", she replied briskly; "\Mhat do you think I am-a bigamist?"
Never Dun A Gentleman
The retired storekeeper was giving sound advice to a new f,nan in the business.
"When I was in business," he said, "I made it a rule nevef to dun a gentleman."
"But what did you do if someone failed to pay up?" he was asked.
"Oh, in that case," he replied, "I decided he was not a gentleman, and I made him pay."