3 minute read
By Jock Dionne
The use ol that development of modern times which is well known crnd understood under the collnomen oI *PtlNClL" is one ol the very grecrtest elenents oI selling.
While I believe that crll of the grecrt lundcrmentqls of busiDess success-IfONESTY, DEPENDABILFY, AMBHON, \[SION, ENTHUSIASIVI ENERGY, PITNCIL AND STICKTOITT\|ENESS<re ATTAINABLE to the csvercge man who wishes to succeed in business, I cnn inclined to believe that the qucrlity oI'PIINCII" is perhcps-rcrrking with VISION-the most difticult of crttcrinment to the mcn who seems lcrcking in thcrt depcrtnent to start with.
*PIINCH" Eecns to do things, qnd scry things irl so vigorous, crrd effective, cnd virile cr wcty thct they IMPRESS the other fellow qutomqtic<rlly. It is *PUNCH," you might scry', thct glues YOIIB cct or crrgunent in the other fellow's mentcrlity. When you hecrr it scdd thqt cr certain mcrn hcs *PUNC[L" you intuitively know thct he scrys cnd does things DIFFERENTTY from the wcy in which things crre generclly said cnd done, cnd thcrt the difference is lcngely the cddition oI cm intelligent sprinlcling oI tcbasco.
For "PIINCH" is the tcrbcrsco of the bueiness crrgument or cct.
You lorow-
It iga't go nuch whqt you do or 8crf, F.,
II the hea got up on the roost to ltty it?
The fellow who hcrEn't the grecrt crsset called "PUNCH," mcy hcrve fine guclities, splendid thoughts, exqellent idecs, but fcils to "put his stuff oyat," on cccount of thst very lcrck.
Grcry's lcrmous "Elegy in c Country Church Ycnd," relers so leelingly thct cll the thinking world hcs pondered scdly over the thought, to the lcrct thcrt men of mighty thoughts cnrd power go benecrth the sod without hcrving been recogmized. Think oI his "Mute inglorious Milton"" crnd other potenticrl yet undiscovered notableg. Every word ol thct beautiful'Elegy" is true. Yet the grect poet might hcve ended his becrutilul theme-had he been prccticclly instecrd of poeticcrlly inclined-by simply sayins in closing, some such doggerel qs this:
It is cr lcrct that grecrt truths cre olten lost entire\ to loe beccuse oI the spineless chartrcter of their presentction, while the commonplcce things are emblcrzoned by the attrcrctive, interesting crnd Iorcelul wcry in which lhey cre "put over." Thcrt 'llVlute, inglorious Milton," might be the cuihor oI some of our "best sellers" had he not lacked lhcrt one estimable cmd invcrlucrble crsset which we qre now discussing.
The fellow who looks upon hirnsell crs unlortuncrtely lccking in *PIINCH," crnd sees other lolks who seem to be lreely endowed by Providence wilh plenty of it, ehould keep the thought loremosi in his hecd thct words, cnd phrcses, cnd ccts, thct have c noticetrble "kick" in them, cre certcin qs the Lord mcde little green cpples, tq be the result ol thoughilul prepcrction crnd intelligent cpplication. The other fellow ncy hcrve q nnturql penchcmt lor "pulling" that kind of etuff. but iI he ie getiing awqY with gomething thct is recrlly good, you ccrn gcunble thct it didn't "iust happen" thct wcry. You crre sde in cssuming thct the line ol cction or crgument thct crttrcrcts your cttention wcs charted, blueprinted, cnd prepdred for mcrket.
I }now c mqn who, when he is out on business, carries u/ith him into the olfice ol every mcn he ccrlls on A PIINCHFUL, SPECIFIC THOUGHT TO SEI.L TIIAT MAN. Understand, the mcn visited, does NOT lrrow thai he.is the obiect ol cr delinite IDEA-SALE. The visitor crins to eo crct, thcrt when he hcrs gone, thct specilic TIIOUGHT ol cr plecrsing or inleresting-<r BOTH<hcrrcrcter, remcins clecrr in the mind ol the other lellow.
The mcm with 'PIINCH" does business thct wcy. He selects the things to scy, cnd he uses his intelligence, experience, cnrd iudgment to cpply the proper sort of "kick" to them, to give them color, csrd mcrke them stick
The recogmition oI the vcrlue of "PIINCH" is becoming dcrily more genercl in the world of selling. Thcrt it will become etill more so, is cbsolutely certcrin
Storage Yard Established at Wilmington by Rockport Redwood Company
Rockport Redwood Company, Rockport, Mendocino County, California, has established a storage yard at Wilmington from which to serve the wholesale trade. The yard is now being stocked with standard yard sizes in common, upper grades and foundation lumber which can be milled to standard stock patterns for prompt delivery.
The yard is conveniently located next to the San pedro Lumber Company's Wilmington plant on the San pedro Highway.
Mill shipments can be made direct to the trade in this territory by car and vessel from the mill where a suitable stock of green and dry redwood in all grades is available.
Rockport Redwood Company sells at wholesale only.
The Los Angeles office is located in the petroleum Securities Building, 714 Olympic Boulevard, telephone pRospect 8827. Stocks are also carried in the San Francisco Bay area ftom which the yard trade in Northern California can be served by truck or rail.
This Redwood mill is one of the manufacturing units owned and operated by Ralph M. Rounds.
The board of directors of the Southern California Retail Lumbermen's Association will meet at the Lafayette Hotel, Long Beach on Tuesday evening, August 15.