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is rigfu down your alley!
You qzill.profi.t by our promotion of "Dri-Bilt rvith Plyrwood"benuse d Dri-BiLt lwuse is an all-Lumber ltnuse. Send for our nea\,. Dri-Bilt urith Plyurood manual. Remembet, every panel of Douglas Fir Plywood is now "grade trade.marked."
PLYSCORD theathing ] """*^"L Wallboard PLYFORM-PLYPANEL D.F.P.A. -EXT.-D.F.P.A.
Douglas Fir Plywood Association
Tacoma Building Tacoma, \flashington
SUGAR PINE DOORS can be hung with minimum eflort ond time. They cre light to hondle, ecsy to plone ond bore, will hold their shope, toke point economicclly ond give losting scrtislqction. CAUTORNUA SUGAN PINE
Used Exclusively on cll Pine Products
Bv Jacl< Dionne
not,, guaranteed---Some I have told
Ag" A Fair Deal
It was three o'clock in the morning. Our hero, as he lurched along the street towards home, was drunk. But he was not too drunk to remember several things very clearly. One of them was that he had promised his wife he would stay sober. The other was he had given a double promise that if she would let him go to the stag party, he would be home by midnight, on his word of honor. And a third thing he remembered was that his wife, when her temper rose, was as handy with a pitcher or a shoetree as Shakespeare ever was with the pen. What a terrific temper that woman had !
Auburn And Nevada City Yards Sold To The Diamond Match Company
Announcement is made by The Diamond Match Company, Chico, that they took over the yards of the Tahoe Sugar Pine Company at Auburn and Nevada City, August 1.
Both managers formerly in charge will continue to manage the yards. Fred J. Miller is in charge of the Auburn yard and Herbert S. Foreman is manager at Nevada City'
Recovering From Auto Accident
F. "Tom" Tomlison, salesman for Paramino Lumber Co', San Francisco, broke his leg when his car collided with the rear end of a truck on the highway near Dublin, Alameda County, July 26. He is recovering nicely and will be back on the job in a few weeks.
for 20 years---Some less
He had only one forlorn hope, and that was that she would fall asleep and not hear him when he went in. Otherwise even his most optimistic soul told him that he was in for deep, dark, and serious trouble. He had broken promises so continually that he had not an excuse left to stand on. And then, as he turned into his gate, and started up the front steps, he saw a man stooped down at his front door, and busily engaged in trying to pick the lock.
"Pal," said the drunk to the burglar, as he swayed unsteadily on his pins, "I'11 make a bargain with you. I'll agree to open the door for you, if you'll agree to walk in first."
The Timber Development Association of Victoria, Australia, publishes a very attractive magazine called "Timber Development." In a recent issue, just come to hand, they reprinted in full page style THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT sales editorid' "Leg Work, The First Fundamental." They announce theii intention of reprinting others of our editorials, with our full permission. They have likewise recently changed their front cover, making it practically a copy of the front cover of THE LUMBER MERCHANT' It is increasingly evident that they like quality in Australia. The magazine is published in Melbourne'
Attend Washington Convention
W. C. Clancy, first vice-president and general manager of the Lumbermen's Credit Association Inc., together with Homer C. Lindsey and W. E. Hauck, colle,ction department managers respectively of the Association's Chicago and New York offices, attended the forty-fifth annual convention of the Commercial Law League of America. Following the meetingl which was held in Washington, D. C., most of the league members journeyed on to New York City and made August 4 the "League's Day" at the World's Fair.
While in the East, Mr. Clancy will spend some little time at the Credit Association's office in New York City and Mr. Lindsey, with his wife and daughter, will tour to many eastern points of interest.
John F. Drescher, field engineer for the Pacific Coast Shingle Inspection Bureau, recently visited San Francisco and Los Angeles on his way to Texas. He will make his headquarters for some time at Corpus Christi, from where he will cover the southern part of the State in the i,nterests of Certified shingles.
Executives Visit Mill
Wm. E. Arblaster, vice-president and general manager of Mt. Whitney Lumber Co., and Henry Pries, sales manager, returned August 7 f.rom spending a few days at the mill at Johnsondale, Calif. The mill is now running two eight-hour shifts.
Personnel Changes Announced by Shevlin Pine Sales Company
The Shevlin Pine Sales Company announces the following changes in the New York and Chicago Sales Offices, efiective August 15.
S. D. Nelson, who has been connected with the Chicago district sales office since January 1, 1930, has been trans{'erred to the New York office following H. A. Habeck's appointment as district sales manager. Mr. Nelson has been connected with the various Shevlin companies since June 1,1919. Ife has had practical experience in retail merchandising as well as in the Chicago sales office. His long connection with the company has given him a wide acquaintance with the trade, and he has made many friends in the Chicago territory. He is well qualified to fill the position in New York and it is certain that he will make more friends in his new position.
John F. Bahr has been appointed as successor to Mr. Nelson in the Chicago office. Mr. Bahr began working for the McCloud River Lumber Company in 1936 where he remained until February I, 1939, when he went to Bend with the Shevlin Hixon Company. Prior to his connection with the McCloud River Lumber Company, Mr. Bahr was with the National Lumber Manufacturers Association at their headquarters office in Washington, D. C.