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Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany

Buclcle Proof Lath Co. Opens Off,ces in San Francisco

Following the rapidly increasing demand for buckleproof lath in the building industry, the Buckle Proof Lath Company, Los Angeles, has opened offices in San Francisco at 116 New Montgomery Street, with Langford W' Smith and Charles lVlorehead as district representatives.

Mr. Smith, according to Donald Y. Wemple, vice-president and general manager of the company who is in San Francisco making the arrangements, has had many years of experience in the lumber and building industry. Formerly sales manager for The Red River Lumber Company, he has for the past eight years rvorked with Northern California architects and building contractors while representing the Flexwood division of U. S. Plywood Corporation.

Mr. Morehead is well known in the building and plastering fields, having been secretary-manager of the Contracting Plasterers Association of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties and prior to that, secretary-manager for the Builders' Exchange of Alameda County.

Developed after years of research and testing by Harlow H. Hathaway and Ed Westberg, well known Los Angeles plastering contractor and president of the company, buckleproof latlt'which has been approved by Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference and meets FHA requirements is available through local dealers.

Buckleproof lath is made by passing ordinary wood lath through a machine which cuts a V groove the full length on each edge and incises both faces with r/a" long by 3/16" deep cuts across the grain. The incisions are so distributed that there are no continuous wood fibers ovet 3r/stt long. These incisions are to prevent warping when the wet plaster mortar is placed over the lath. The grooves provide a plaster key continuous along each edge of the lath.

All buckleproof lath are treated at the mill against the possibility of stain. This not only keeps the lath bright but also prevents staining through the plaster when on the wall.

Promotes Use of Port Orford Cedar

After nearly a year's sojourn in Washington, D. C., Edgar A. 'Brown is resuming promotional activities for the Port Orford Cedar Lumber Association, with headquarters in San Francisco.

Mr. Brown has a large acquaintance with architects, engineers and public officials through his long experience in promoting the use and sale of wood.

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