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Wants Position

Lumberman with experience in accounting; full mill bids; lumber, sash, door and millwork estimating; bookkeeping and cost finding wants position. 15 years experience in Southern California. Will go any place. Address Box C-830, California Lumber Merchant.

Good Man Seeks Job

Competent lumberman wants position as retail yard manager. Over twenty years' experience. Under, stands collections and credits, office details. Familirar with selling conditions in Southern California. Can furnish good references. Address Box C-833, California Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted

Retail lumberman, at present time employed as full charge bookkeeeper, wants to make change. Two years' Southern California experience. Bookkeeper, estimator, and can handle counter trade. 24 years old, married. Good references. Address Box C-831 California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Complete Building Material Plant, lumber and all kindred materials stocked, in beautiful Western Oregon town. Will bear investigation. Address Box C-832 California Lumber Merchant.

Ernest Johnson Vtsits Los Angeles

Ernest Johnson, vice president and sales manager for the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation, flew to Los Angeles from Portland recently, and spent severa.l days with their representative, Russell Gheen. Mr. Johnson reports that their big mill at Toledo, Oregon, is operating on a two shift basis, and making about fourteen million feet of lumber a month, which runs about thirty per cent spruce.

He also visited the San Francisco office where he conferred with Athur B. Griswold, Northern California representative.

Builds Yard On New Site

Coronado Lumber Company, Coronado, formerly located on tidewater areas east of the Coronado ferry terminal, has been moved to a new site on Orange Avenue and has erected a new store and warehouses. The present company has been in business in Coronado since 1923, and is the successor to preceding lumber firms operated there since about 1900. Neil Taylor is manager of the yard.

For Sale


2 GERLINGER 4-F'T. LUMBER CARRIERS. These machines are in first class working condition with good rubber. See them at our yard and make us an offer.


8935 SOUTH ALAMEDA ST., LOS ANGELES Telephone-JB. 0447.

Position Wanted

Lumbermen thoroughly experienced in retail lumber business for the past 16 years as yard foreman wants position with retail lurnber firm. Complete knowledge of all building materials, including builders' hardware, paints, etc. Can furnish best of references and will go any place. Address Box C-834, care California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Yards For Sale

Four Southern California retail lumber yards that have never been on the market have been placed in our hands to sell. Two of them are particularly profitable yards. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Ray Wiess Visits California

Ray Wiess, of St. Paul, Minn., contact man for Weyerhaeuser, was a business visitor in San Francisco and Los Angeles. A lifelong lumberman, Mr. Wiess was in the Yellow Pine business in Texas for thirtv vears before going North.

Mel Coe Convalescing

Mel Coe, secretary-treasurer of the Compton Group, is convalescing at his home in Compton recent operation for appendicitis.


Lumber from a

H. B. Hewes, nationally known lumberman, is back on the Pacific Coast to spend the summer, making his headquarters in San Francisco.

Will Build New Milling Shed

Wrightson Lumber Corp., North Hollywood, will build a new milling shed at their plant. The building will be 14 by 40 feet. The company recently completed a fine new office building.

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