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Lumber Cut oj 1,11zldenticaf Mills:1938 and 1939*

The production of lumber by selected mills in the United States in 1939 increased L7.9 per cent as compared with the production of the same group of mills in 1938, according to a report released by Director William L. Austin, Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce.

This report was compiled from returns rnade by l,ll2 mills, which contributed 52 per cent of the total cut of all mills reporting for 1938. The cut of these mills-each of which sawed at least 2,W0 M feet, board measure, either in 1939 or in 193&-amounted to 13,272,881 M feet in 1939 as against lI,2@,7% M feet in 1938.

In order to enable the Bureau to present statistics that will show, with the closest possible approach to accuracy, the trend in lumber production, comparing 1939 with 1938, data have been included for 1,093 mills that were active in both years, for 13 that were in existence in both years but operated only in 1939, and for 6 that were in existence for both years but operated only in 1938. No data are included for mills that operated in 1938 but were reported as "out of business" (not merely idle) in 1939, nor for those that operated in 1939 but were not in existence in 1938.

The following statement presents statistics by important regions for the 1,112 mills in question, for 1939 in comparison with 1938.

Lumber Cut by Regions, for 1,112 Identical Mills: and olowa, Kansas, Nebraska, No. Dakota, and So. Dakota. oNorth Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.

'Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

'Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

'Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

'Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Tenruessee, ernd West Virginia.

"Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.

'Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and'fexas.

'Oregon and Washington.

"California and Nevada.

"Idaho and Montana.

"Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, IJtah, and W'yoming.

*The Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, cooperated with the Bureau of the census in the collection of the data on which this report is based.


Rrprcrnting in Southcrn Calilornia: Thc Prcif,c Lumbcr Comprny-Wcndling-Nathan Co.

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