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Rush Truckloads to Ycrd or Iob Ponderosq-Fir-Redwood
Cedar-Redwood Shckes crnd Shingles
From Mills or Yards
SAN FRANCISCO YARD.......1800 Armv Slreet, ATwcter 1300
OAKLAND YARD . ......gth Avenue Pier, Hlgcte 2255
"The Friendly Yards of Personal Setvice"
Sotid Philippine Mchogcrnv Wnll Pcmelling
A Sensational New Product That Sells on Sight
Steve Hathaway Gets a Big One Bob Hoov€r Starts Selling Palco Wool
Bob Hoover, eldest son of Gus Hoover, of Los Angeles, comes to Los Angeles August 15, after spending a year learning the rudiments of Redwood manufacture, and particularly of Palco Wool manufacture, at The Pacific Lumber Company mill at Scotia. He will sell Palco Wool exclusively from now on, and will cover all of Southern California. He will make his office with his father'
Dick Hoover, the younger son, who graduated from Stanford last June and is now on a trip to Central America, goes to Scotia in September to spend a year or so learning about Redwood manufacture.
Revised Douglas Fir Plywood Standards
Washington, D. C., July 2O.-Acceptances having been received from a satisfactory majority of manufacturers, distributors and users, the revised Commercial Standard for Douglas Fir Plywood (Domestic Grades) (Fourth Edition) CS45-40 is effective for new production from August 20, lg4o. Printed copies of CS45-4O will be mailed on request to the Division of Trade Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D' C'
Steve Hathaway, Sunkist Lumber Company, Monrovia, is a deep sea fishing enthusiast, and above he is shown displaying a large sword fish he caught in the Gulf of California while on a fishing trip to Guaymas, Mexico. Steve reports that the fishing was good and the members of his party brought in some big ones.
Marshfield Sawmill Starts
L. W. MacDonald, of l\{acDonald & Bergstrom, Los Angeles, reports that Jim Lyons has started operations at the East Side mill at Marshfield, Oregon, running one shift and cutting about 75,000 feet of lumber daily.
MacDonald & Bergstrom had a big month in July, invoicing more than ten million feet of lumber.
Move To New Location
The Diamond Match Company has moved its Nevada City branch yard to a new site on the Nevada City-Grass Valley highway, south of the city. Six buildings have been erected at the new site, one will be used for office purposes and the others for the storage of lumber and Lnitaittg materials. A new office building will be built later in the year.
The Diamond Match Company bought the business formerly conducted by the Tahoe Sugar Pine Company at Nevada City about a year ago. H. S. Foreman is yard manager.