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How Lumber Looks
Two weeks a8o, in tte issue of Aug' ult 15th, thir page raid that the general lumber rituation was much better than of thirty dayr previour, and that tbe California lumber ritrntion especielly, was in a much improved condition
That ttat *atement, and othen Predicting a quick comeback of the de prered boytttg conditionq had a foundation. has be€n evidenced by the resulting eventr.
On lnd efter Scptcnbcr lrt thir publicatioq togcthcr sith itr p.rcDt Jounel, Thc Gulf Cout Lumbcrrnen' will bc pcrnancutly rcprcrcltcd in thc grcrt Pacific Northwcrt' by htvilg o6ccr rt Portlend, undcr thc dircction of Mr. lV. T. Bleck.
Mr. Blrek, who ir en old crpcricnced lunber journrlirg her beca idcntiGcd with 'Thc Crlifornir Lumbcr Mcrchant' for thc lrut ri: nonthr in thc rdvcrtiring dcprrtmcn! rnd har nadc a hort of fricndr in Southern Crliforaie. Hc ir wcll rcqurintcd 'in Orcgon end lVerhiugton" heving rpent a grcrt dcal of tirne in thrt tenitory.
Jurt two days afte the lart icsue went to presE, two of the large line yard concernc in the routAern part of the state started to buy, and tLeY bousht right and left. Bott of theee companiee are large urert of Fir, ttey buy in copious quan' tities, and naturally when they came in to tte market ttere war a scramble for lumber. The wholerale men were a busy lot for the next few dayr, taking inquiriel, and orden, and getting themcelver lined up to get back to work
A buyer for one retail outfit war heard to remrrk that he regretted that be had not bought TEN MII I ION feet more ttran he had bought, prior to the 15th of Augurt.
Common random ir worth a good $2.0O more than it was bringing two or three weekr ago. Cutting orderr rre not u crly to ud priccr hcre arc 6tu' at thc Eill Roogl clean hevc rlrcogtbcocd, itcn rl badrrerdfor e tire' duc to overto& in tbc Nodf," Lath [dr brvc littlc, bGGo horsvcr- rto&o hnd relling for hro weekr, an actuel come jurt price reaction will no about tLe llL Cargo recciptr at Lc llrF bor will run at about lf ftct of Fir end Rcdrood. T, tbc DfuU oe thc 27th, 84 boeb hd rcpatc4 fcct. Th. crrrying onc hrndrcd total for July wer 91 fcct have
The Fir millr, eccording to t[e lut rcPdt 6c Wqt Coart Lumbermcn'r rlrrocirtion, ctb in a e totel of E9,E66,fi)O fcct, and theh relcr totrlcd 11 ftci. They rhipped but?9 mitlion in 'Lir pcrird. I Thir repct rhowe their unflled Grport cdcrr o hend td be ovq 74 million feeb and tfiey heve forty.ooc bu&cdlcen unfllcd rail ordcrr.
The lart r€port of the Crlifotdr giver a week'r cut of tr3(X)r(X)O fGGt lnd
8,70O,(nO fccL