2 minute read
Friend Making in Salesmanship
That the art of making friends is one of the big things in modern salesmanship, has come to'be universally accepted as the truth. That the abilityto make friends IS in fact an art, cannot u'ell be doubted. It is both an art and a science. The abilityto make friends in your business affairs, doesn't "just happen." It is like any other good and useful thing in this rvorld, and is the result of intelligent effort.
The making of friends, is simpll' applying the science of salesmanship, to your os'n personalit-v. \'ott use the sarne manner and means that you use in selling 1-our physical commodities, but 1'ou "sell yourself" instead of the goods. Having "sold"'the man on yourself. he is mttch easier to sell with your business proposition.
You go right back to the fttndamentals of selling, of advertising, of letter rvriting, of any scientific sales effort. You aim to attract the ATTENTION of your prospect to YOURSELF; you Lrse your ingenuity to then create an INTEREST on his part in YOURSELF; you hold that interest while you "Put yourself over," rvith the prospect; you end by convincing him-all this time rvithout his knowing that you are practicing a definite selling campaign on himof your friendly value. You hat'e then "sold" yourself, and have made a friend.
The man who has a thousand friends, has a thousand prospects whom he should be able to sell his goods to more readily than to others.He has a thousand prospects to whom he should be able to sell his commodities rvith greater ease and facility than his competitor rvho is noton the "friend" list.
The science of friend making is one of the most alluring and attractive efforts of the human mentality. The man rvho tries it intelligently, finds it a perfectly rvonderful study, and in meeting his problems in this direction, he unconsciously and automatically builds himself uP as a friend maker. It is a power and habit that grorvs rn'ith experience, just as the rolling snowball gathers size and momentum.
It is a science that some men try in vain, and NEVER learn. much to their business disadvantage. Finding them'selves in this position they sometimes rail at the success of the fellos' s'ho makes and holds friends rvherever he goes.
The rnan s'ho hasn't realized that one of the greatest assets to a successful career in nine out of every ten lines of business today is the art of making and keeping friends, has missed one of the biggest thoughts in this thing that rve call living.
And it is rvell to remember that you can't make friends unless vou yourself are really, honestly friendly, insidg ano out. You have got to find out rvhat you have to "sell" the rvorld in the rvay of personality, and you have got to use your every intelligent effort to properly present yourself to the rvorld in that light.
But first you hare got to be straight, dependable, optimistic, genial, and possessing rvarmth'of soul.
The man rvith a million friends is richer by far than the man rvith a million dollars.
A Great Big Word
One ttat stande for Action, Satirfaction and Modenr Mercbandiring. ASK THESE MEN WHAT IT MEANS TO THEM AND THEIR BUSINESS
E. W. Wood-Brey-1yr;*1t, BurnetC-Cross_Deacon
Sterling-Pudfield g[6s1a_pqvall_Crenf ell
J. Dean Prescott
Frank Mynard
Will Landrum
Charlie Bird
Fred C,onner
Earl Minton
Gus Ruesell
Diamond Match Company
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