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Announcing: A Ne\M Line lF'Va=Sf,e ButLDtNc PnpER
wuloI the comDanv.
..M1. J..L. Fris'ch,'^ ^^n with many years experience in his line is the saw mill superintend,!"i and C. H. S-;tf, is the Logging Superintendent.
It is a pleasure to state to the lumber trade that we have taken on a building paper which we believe will eventually be sold for practically all hardwood foor laying, and for much general building.
Triple Sheath isnot an experiment. It has been used in the Atlantic States, where it ig made, for the past fifteen years. The tests to date show that it can truthfully be called water-proof, weather-proof, moisture-proof, crack-proof, trouble-proof, and fool-proof.Itwill endure as long as the best hardwood.
Thig remarkabe paper afiords all this protection, because of its composition. Triple-sheath is made of two sheets of tough Kraft paper, cemented together with an inner layer of waterproof insulating asphalt. We recommend Triple-Sheath for laying under all hardwood fooring, to protect kiln-dried flooring against moisture, and to prevent buckling. The difference in cost between Triple-Sheath and the papers ordinarily used, is so slight as to be almost negligible. Since introducing Triple-sheath in our own locality, we have found the building contractors greatly interested in it for walls, because of its moisture-proof properties,
A trial of a few rolls will enable you to test TripleSheath for yourself.
All Said
A shopkeeper had in his emPloY utterly rvorthless.

One day, his patience exl'a-ttsted.
"\\rill you give me a character?"
The ernployer sat dou'n to rvrite His effort resulted as follou's: a man so lazv as to lle he discharged him. asked the lazy one. a non-committal letter.
"The bearer of this letter has s'orked for me one 'tveek ancl I am satisfied."-\\'s51s1n Home l{onthl1"
Hardrvare ]Ierchant-"I tell I'ou that new salesman \Ye put outis a corker-h"li got .ideas !"
' Traveling Salesman-"\\'hat's he done?"
Hardrvar"e ]ferchant-"He's sold that big lot of oldfashioned s'ashing machines s'e had in the rvarehouse-the ones that u'ork ijv hand. vott knou'-just toldthe stout \yomen rvho catne in that ihe prettv girl he had shorving them used this ltlan to redttce-her u'eight."-Good Hard\\'are.
With our battery of five dry lcilns and our large yard and ched ltorage facilitier' we are able to have on hand at all times