1 minute read
Several "piffles" and a big "pooh-bah !"
Those fellorvs do notadveitise. They simply make a voluntary_donation to the printers and thl newspiper pub- lishers. Profitable adverlising-advertising which succeecls in its mission-is the result of thorough analysis and planning. ^ Nothing is left to chance. A iefinite- goal is set. A definite route is traveled. Each part of the i6urtrev brings the advertiser nearer to his destination.
The things to be analyzed, are: the potential market, the forces to be employed, the method of selling and the goods to Lre advertised.
Let us take a concrete example. For our purpose we rvill select a retail lumber dealir operating in a- city of about 40,000 inhabitants. There aie threE yarcls. "Our r.lealer is the most recently established yard but the most llr.ogressive and. aggressive. The inhabitants are mostly rnill-rvorkers lvith a sprinkling of capitalists who havi made m_oney through increased value of family land hold- ings. Ernployment has been fairly steady the past two years. Bank deposits have steadily increlsed. There is a considerable house shortage. Very few desirable homes
(Continued on Page 64.)
From the House of Quick Shipmenta
Redwood Manufacturers Co.
Snppose Your Plant Should Burn Tonigfit-
would y-ou b-e able to view_ the twisted, smoldering ruins, consoled in your mrs- fortune by th-e sure knowleds,e thal you are "d;q";i.ly i"""*a,;ih ;;;; condition on the-policy fulfilled, so thai there will b: ;" ;";;"" "i tt. .-"""i you will recover?
The time to think about this question is not afteq but before the fire.
We rwgcrt you utc the A&ertiring Crhnnr of The
Gulf Coast Lumberman
Its prestige, wpulafi,ty and chculqtion in rte tenitory named far surpcaaas any other