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Vere Hunter Passes On
Vere Hunter, prominent Bay District lumberman, died at Oakland on August 12 following a Prolonged illness.
Mr. Hunter had been a familiar figure in the lumber business in the State of California for many years and his entire business career was associated with the lumber industry. At the time of his death, he was a member of the Cole-i{unter Lumber Co., the u'ell known San Francisco wholesalers. Prior to'his affiliation with the Cole-Hunter Lumber Co., he followed Association work in the Bay
District. At oni time, he rvas the manager ( Lumber Co. with retail lumber yards in Oakl the Hunter keley.
Mn Hunter rvas held in very high esteem v his fellow lumbermen and his passing means a big loss industry. His funeral was held at Oakland and as a mark of respect the retail yards in ( at noon to attend the funeral services. Hoo9, adjourned their meeting that was sghedu 14, so that its members could attend the fun