1 minute read
How Do They Buy Your Product?
By Price Or By Preference?
By Jack Dionne
There's a fine question for you to ask yourself, Mr. Lumbennan. Do they buy YOUR stock because theyfind it cheaner: tipithe stock the other fellows have to offer, or do they buy it because they PREFER {o buyfrom YOU?
The answer really classifies you.
It distinguishes you either as "Mr. Pep," or as "Mr. Pip."
Mr. Pip sells his stock strictly by the price route. According to his poychology and philosophy of business, there is just one thing to sdesmanship: when a man decides that he needs some lumber or other building material, he finds where he can get it fot the least moneyr and there he buys it.
Mr. Pep's philosophy is directed dong entirely difrerent lines. He is after the trade of the people who want to buy from some one FROM PREFERENCE
Mr. Pip's place of business is like the side street stores t'hat you see, with rmattractive front, and parcels of stock hanging thick in the windows and doors, each with a price tag in large letters, and each tag showing that the article is "marked down "
Mr. Pep seeks the trade of people who want expert advice and assistance, courteously rendered; who want stock and goods that best suit their needs and want to depend on some responsible peron to furnish it; who delight in doing business with good pcople; .who likeskillful and expert service; and who appreciate ttre generd delights of a bigh class establishment.
Mr. Pip gives his time and attention to taking business away from his competitor, AFTER that business develops.
Mr. Pep makes a specialty of giving such splendid building service that pcople will thinkof him first when they thinkof building, and he CREATES BUSINEISS by placing himself in position to advise and suggest building IDEAS and FUNCTIONS to his trade.
Mr. Pip sits in his ofEce and waits for his chance to bid dfbusiness.
Mr. Pep goes out into his selling territory to discover what people actudly NEED that he can supply.
Mr. Pip's business is entirely competitive.
Mr. Pep's business is largely non-competitive.
They trade with Mr. Pip because of PRICE.
They trade with Mr. Pep because of PREFERENCE.
AreYOU a PRICE or PREFERENCE merchant?