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Millwork Institute Hold Quarter Convention
The Second Quarterly Meeting of the Millwork Institute of california came to i conclusion at noon, Saturday. Au*url ZSta, after a very successful period of three business :;;;;;, ;i*rti.tt the're were brought gu.t a.great number "t nirnfv interesting points dealing with the economlcal i"i'.ii-.'i.ni handlin? bi ttte millwork business, as it pertains to the Pacific Coast.
There was a good attendance' Mill men from all over ttte tt"i. ;;t; fit evidence, and the most interesting feature of the Convention was the extraor{tlty amount ol interest that was shown by all of the Delegates' ln.th€ various Dapers presented, and the efficient manner ln \Yhrch ;i;'6-';iti;J h"r'" taken care of their respective duties'
President H. W. Gaetjen, of the Empire Planing Mill' San Francisco, opened the first session with an ?pproprtate *.t.o-ittg address. This was on Friday morning'
The Secretary-Manager, H. T. Didesch then made his ,"oori for the tliree moiths, since the last meeting at Sa.nta b-;J;t;, and showed the Institute to be in good condition, both in a financial way, and in point of members gatned in the period.
Mr. E.R. Maule, of the Hammond Lumber,Company' I-os e.tgefes, spoke on Cost- Finding' His address dealt *itn tn.- -.ihod. employed by his Company in determin- ing the manufacturing and rnaterial cost of hvork pro-
Cataloss: T. A. Farnsrvorth, Los Angeles' Estima-tor -Clas.es: Ralph Button, San-Fr' Foremanship Training i e. n- Iltaqfe, -Los Listing Buriaqs t P._N. Pdrvards, Oakland'
Membirship: E. J. Nutting, San Francisco' At the Friday aflernoon- session, Mr.- H' F
Los Angeles, gi.re a very interesting address Ethics."- He Srought out a good many very in connection wit[ the proper handling of s rhc rnrnner in which theii pioducts should be the manner in which their products the public. Mr. Dixon also spoke later on Lossls in Distribution."
A replesentative of the Nlaterial Men's C ,t of Los Angeles, sPoke onthe movem ti;;;i A"geles, spoke on- -thq movemerft 3t Sacramento to abolish"ot a-6t d the Mechanics Liefr !au" He .iionstv urged the I\Iiltwork Institute to take {ction in the fight -t6at fr'e thought rvould be necessary to lcombat the legislation.
Ahe Saturday morning session--was devoted discussion by the membCrs on different topics.
sco. les. Dixon. of "Selling points and on nted to "Operating a general well ventilated sheds in our yard where HARDWOOD LUMBER and FII)oRING-arc-P:o-!:-cjed "rra "r. "J i"il'J to you BRIGHT and CLEAR and FREE FROM CHECK!i. WE RUSH RUSH ORDERS
We emplov HIGH POWERED, -COMPETENT MEN to 6ll orders. Ve -carrv- EIG-{ - - SToca urd *" '"it t" iricg clAss TRADE at DOWI\ RIGHT Low PRICI WE SATISFY YOULET US SHOW YOU