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California Closes Hoo-FIoo Year ith Wonderful Gatherin$ at Santa
California brought the Hoo-Hoo year to a close with a bang on Saturdiy evening, August 23, when a State I-ength Concatenaiion, Entertainment and Dinner was helcl-at theHotel Casa Del Rey, Santa Cruz. I umbermen. together with the ladies of Hoo-Hoo,-w9-re-present from all-parts of the state and the Hoo-Hoo Rally- !19ugh-t to a conclusion the Quarterly Meeting of the Millwork Institute of California-which rvas in session there on Au.qtrst 22 and. 23.
the Vicegerent Snarks for the excellent and for ihe support and cooperation thq! him. Short talks were also made bY Frank Trorver, and Dave Woodhead.
Follorving the dinner, the Concatenation t'At
6:0O P.M. about 250 sat down to an excellent dinner in the beautiful Sun iParlor of the hotel. During the dinner hour a fine entertainment was given by the hotel entertainers. At the speaker's table rvere seated C. D. LeMaster of Fresno. Snirk of the lJniverse; R. A. Hiscox and Frank Trower of San Francisco, Past Snarks of the Llniverse: Ed. Tennant, Past Snark of Universe, Los Anseles : State Counselor Dave Woodhead of Los Angeles; \;icegerent Snark Herman Rosenberg o! Lo9 Ang-eles; Vice[erent Snark A. B. Wastell of .San Francisco; -Vice- sete;'t Snark D. A. Williamson of Galt; Vicegerent Snark t. ff .Ctifen, Jr., of Santa Cruz; and H. E. Verbel Vicegerent Snark of Fresno.
- At the conclusion of the dihner, A. B. Wastell, Vicegerent Snark of the San Francisco Q1l District, acted as th"ir-rn and introduced C. D. LeMaster, Snark of the Universe. Mr. LeMaster gave an excellent talk on the rvork that Hoo-Hoo had accomplished throughout the country during the past year and expressed'his apprecia-
"The Rialt6" on the Board Walk where 47 initiated into the mysteries of Hoo-Hoocharge of the initiation was as follows:--S Mast-er. Snark of the lJniverse; Senior Hm-H
Rosenberg, Vicegerent Snark of the I-os An1 Iunior Uoo-goo, Rod Hendrickson; Scrive lSimpkin; Bojum, A. B. Wastell, Vicegerent San'Francis.o Bay District; Arcanoper, D. A. Vicegerent Snark-of the Sacramento District; C. H: Griffin. Ir-. Vicecerent Snark of the C
C. Griffin, Jr-, Vicegerent Snark-of the District ; Jabbirwock, Bob Grant; Gurdon, There weie 6 reinstatements made.
Following the Concatenation, dancing--was l:00 A.M. in the Hotel Casa Del Rey Ball Ro dav. August 24, there \f,'as an extremely lumbermln golfers for the Hgg-Hoo -t rvhich was hild at Santa Cruz Golf and
The following Kittens rvere initiated:
A. U. Stinrlah. Wood Bro* Lunbcr Co. S.dr had given nselor and thev did extinded' Simpkin, as held at ittens rvere Nine in , C. D. LeHermaa District; , Parson of the illiamson, County Neylan. until . On Sunturn-out of 'ournament Club.
G. W. Woo4 Wood B1o-.-Lgobcr-C9- S.c-( f.-8. hiUruoa,.Cber. R IcCaricl Lnmbcr Co- Fnncirn