2 minute read
E. H. Garlicl Cutter Mill & Lumbcr Co., Sacramento.
A. IL Drake, Cuttcr Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento.
J. E. Sin&erson, J. H. Sinkerson Lumber Co., Santa Cruz.
Mason E. Kline, Chas R. McCormick & Co., San Franc:sco.
E. E. Phillips, T. A. Work, Monterey.
Waverly Tilderl Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Oakland.
E. A. Paul, Mandarys Planing Mill Co., Fresno.
J. H. McElroy, McElroy-Che[m Lurnber Co., San Jose.
J. F. Clark, Hammond Lumber Co., Watsonville.
C. M. Smith, Hammond Lumber Co., Watsonville.
E. J. Labad,ic, Ilomcr T. Hayward Lumber So., Santa Cruz.
H. H. Alzina, Santa Cruz Lumber Co., Santa Cruz.
L. E. Eldemann, Richards Hardwood Co.. San Francisco.
ft[. S. Johnstonc, Sugar Pinc Lumber Co., Fresno.
G. H. Nichblson, Pacific Door & Sash Co., Los Angeles.
,, R. L. Sandefur, Hayward Lumbcr Co., San Bernardino.
J. Cuneo, White Brothers, San Francisco.
G. W. Kaiser, Lammon Bros. Mfg. Co., Oakland.
J A. Williamsorl Fruit & Berry Box Mfg., San Francisco.
H. E. Weylcr, Boyd Lumbcr & M,ilt Co., Santa Barbara.
M. A Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co, San Francisco.
G. I. Williams, Jrr, Richards Hardwood Co., San Francisco.
D. E. Dalton, Melrose Lumber Co., Oakland.
4. 9. _Hay-ard, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas.
J.-H. Farnsworth, Jr., California Door Co., Los Aigeles.
W. W. Boyd, W. B. March Lumber Co., Ivanhoe. - p.T. ltforton, Campbell Lumber Co, Campbell. tr l: L_._Clynick Millwork Institute of California, Los Angeles.
E. L. Esch, Sugar Pinc Lumber Co., Pinedale.
J, M. Maddock, Santa Cruz Lumber Co.. Santa Cruz.
_L. p. Chciqr, McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co., San Jose.
F. C. Boock, Gilroy Lumber Co., Gilroy.
C. O. Kelley, Gilroy Lumbcr Co., Gilroy.
B. G. Green, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Sacramento.
L. H. Chapman, Sacramento Lumbcr Co., Sacramento.
H. E. Anderson, Anderson Bros. Mill & Mfg. Co., San Francisco.
E. J. Nutting, Spencer Planing Mill, San !-rancisco.
W. S. Watkins, Anderson Bros. Mi[l & Mfg. Co., San Francisco.
A.. R. MorlcS Califonria & Oregon Lumbei Co.,.San Francisco.
H. W. Gaetzen, Empire Planing Mill, San Francisco.
H, S. Herwig, Watsonvillc Lumber Co., Waisonville.
J. W. Summers, Wood Bros. Co.. Santa Cruz.
A. E. Andcrson, Ha5rward Lumber Co.. Watsonville.
S. C. Hesser, Millwork Institute of California, Los Angelis.
J. M. Chcelcy, Chas R. fi:tffitrt"co.. s"r, Francisco.
J. W. Kelly, Chas. R. McCornaick & Co..'San Francisco.
Keith Mclcllan" Whitc Bros., San Franoisco,
$.!ry_C.f-rc{, S_o. Calif. Hardwood & Mfg. Co., Los Angeles.
T. H. Br-adford, Bradford Planing Mill, SeEstapirl.
D. N. Edwards, Oakland Planing- Mill, Oakhnd.
,,\. B. \Vastell of San Francisco was awarded the rvinning prize for bringing in the largest number of Kittens. Forthis honor he was au'arded the winner of the Santa Cr-uz- Bathing Beauty Contest u'hich rvas held recently at this favorite beach resort.
A. B. Wastell was the General Chairman of the Arrange- meht Committee forthis successful affair. C. H. Griffin, Jr., Vicegerent Snark of the Coast County District, was in chargg of_ the local arrangements and was ably assisted by Judge Isaiah Hartman, Grant Wills, Frank Tiou'er, and Rert Ne-vlan.
. Joe Cuneo, well knorvn to the Bay District lumbermen, is novr. representing White Brothers and is calling on the trade in the East Bay and Coast territ6?y. He rvill travel as far as Bakersfield on the South and as far North as Redding. He has follorved the lumber business in the San Francisco District for several years and during the past trvo vears has been associated with White Brothers at their large San Francisco yard.
Mr. C. C. Knight, manager of the San Fernando Lumber-Company, is-enjoying_a motor trip v'acation among the Redwoods, in Medocino County.
Warehousing storage facilities is the anEwer- for every day in the year Woody lt* "t leqt 1,000,(XX) feet of oak, maple, birch and beech ready for delivery anywhere in Soutfiern California. Goi every grade for every uEe, too.
We carry that much alwaya, so we can rupply several big orders at one time for ourmany customers, if necessar5r. service is the thingWoody is particular about. Rapid transit trucks put your order where you want it oN TIME.