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Brentwood Lumber Co. Upbuilders
Plans and Specifications Furnished Free
The above is the heading over a very interesting article appearing in the Annual Booster Number of the Byron "Times,"-published at Byron by NIr' Halry Hammond- give the builder an idea of cost of construction,. supply the llans, furnish all building materials, and to aid in every way.
The picture appearing in the article is- reqro.duced on thispage. Mr. Hammond had, in -part, the follorving to say about this very progressive reta,il concern.
:'Handling everytliing knorvn to the lumber and bqilding material tride, and rdcognized through Eastern Contra Costa County because of intelligent management and courtesy in handiing all business placed rvith the organization. the Brentwood-Lumber Company has lvon its rvay to the front as community uPbuilders.
"Land owners, and especially those interested in the erection of buildings of any sort, homes, farm and ranch structures, warehouses, sheds, barns, etc', are extended every facility in building operations by -this co-mpany.
"In the hindsomely appointed nerv offices of the Brentwood Lumber Companf ire shorvn numerous painted pictures, hanging on the ttalls, each featuring -modern id.eas of architeclu.E in buildings. These shou'the homes as thelappear rvhen completed, even unto the painting.
^nFor the benefii of interested persons a great album is carried on display at the disposal of prospective builder.s. This book shorvi manv viervs of homes and structures in beautiful colors and lafe designs. gives architects drarvings and explains construction, and the manager of the Brentrvood Lumber Companf is ready to follorv out any plan.
"\\'hether the building is to be inexpensive or more commodious the helpful hints are just the same- Floor plans are s'orked out lnd a varietl' of ideas are sho'rvn that are interesting. Ilanl' unique features are presented, specialties beingfincorpoiated into the plans, even unto providing buildingiontractors rvith complete specifications-
"This compan)' ranks foremost among the unbuilding factors of Eaitern Contra Costa County. For many 1'ears it has served the builders of Brentrvood. Knightsen, Lone Tree, the Delta and other sections rvith lumber and materials used ir.r all kinds of constructive rvork.
"The Brents'ood Lumber Company deal in all classes of lumber, rough and dressed products, interior and exterior decorative paiis, rvindotrs, sash, doors, mould-ings, light hardrvare, lime, brick, flooring, rrall board and I\1t- Diablo cement.'Everj'thing.neecled-in building matdrials is sold by- this cornpan)'.
"The Brentu'ood Lumber Companv is localll' managed bv Clarence Elsrvorth. one of the valued emplol'ees of the .otnpa.t1'. He is a rvidell- experienc-ed luml>er and building materiai tnan. knorvs construction in allits angles, and is in a position through personal knorvledge-'19 git'e pat-rons valuable suggestioni and serr-ice rvhere building of an1' kind is contemplated."