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The Golf Tournament at Santa Cruz
Nineteen sturdy golfers of good and fair ability, teed ofi in the State Hoo-Hoo Golf Tournament at Santa Cruz, held on Sunday, August 24th, at the close of the Quarterly Convention of the Millwork Institute of California.
Lumbermen from all over the state attended the Millrvork meeting, also the Directors mebting of the State Retail Association and the State Hoo-Hoo Banquet and Concatenation, at which there were 57 Kittens and several Reinstatements.
The golf play started in the morning at the Santa Cruz Golf and Country Club and the players rvielded the irons and other clubs all day. The Tournament play was eighteen holes, played in the afternoon, and 'ivas capablv handled by C. H. (Chuck) Griffin, of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Company of Santa Cruz. This gentleman looked after all the arrangements of the affair, and awarded the prizes at the end of the play.
First prize went to Mr: J. A. Stroud of San F'rancisco, forlowgross. He turned in an 82 for the eighteen, the best by three strokes for the day.
A. B. McAlpine of E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, carne in next with not onl1' the second low gloss, but the low net. He played u'itha 22 handicap, making his net score 63. He was alvarded second prize.
H. A. Cahalan took second lorv gross with an 86, and Z. T. Thorning rvith a 91 -rvith a handicap ol 21, took second low net.
Detailed scores for all the players were as follows:
J. A. Stroud 82 l0 72 Low gross.
A. B. McAlpine .. .. . 85 22 63 Low net.
H. A.Cahalan..... 86 17 69 Second low gross.
Erection of a monster lumber shed for the Gray-Thorning Lumber Company of Redwood City is under way at the headquarters of the company in the Five Points district. The storage building is to be 400 feet in length and rvith additional yards giving entrance from three streets. It u'ill be completed 'il'ithin the near future, according to reports from the office of the company at Redwood City.