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Move to Abolish or Modify Mechanics Lien Law
At the Quarterly Convention if the lVlilhvork Institute of California at Santa Cruz, last rveek, it rvas brought to the attention of the meeting that a movement had been started in California attempting to adopt legislation completely abolishing the existing Mechanics Lien Law, that rvould, it is believed l>v most material men, so cripple the present legislation as to make it practically useless as a protection.
It was stated in the meeting at Santa Cruz that the movement had been started at a meeting of the State Builders Exchange Association and a paper was read, the article supposingly having come from this meeting. It attacks the practicability of the present statute, and makes the claim that in effect it is but a "collection agency" operated by the State for the benefit of the material man.
The MilhvorkInstitute adopted a resolution putting their body on record as being in favor of retaining, u'ithout change, the present larv.
It is also understood that other retail lumber and associations of allied businesses are taking action to fight the action.