2 minute read
The Arizona Rate Case
With the closing of the case before Commissioner Lewis Interstate Conimerce Commission Docket No' 15684e effort to obtain something like favorable rates from rs Angeles Harbor to the inierior of California and also rizona" inaugurated in I. C. C. Docket No. 153O3 and R. C. Casei Nos. 1951 and' 1973 now rests with the two rmmissions having jurisdiction.
I- C. C. Docket No. tSfOl and C. R. C- Case No' 1951 ere initiated by complaint of the Los -{n.g-eles^ Lumber :oducts Compiny vs-. The Southern Pacific-Company' R. C. case N". iqZS is entitled the Madera Sugar Pine )mpany et al vs. the Minarets & Western-Railway Com."y et lt and was combined with C. R' C. No' 1951 as the ;u'es involved were the same. These three cases cover the rli{ornia movement. I. C. C. Docket No. 15684 was ;ainst the interstate movement to Arizona.
The complaints alleged unreas,onable- rates out of Los ngeles Harbor to all p'oints,involved-when compared rvith m'ilar service for.greater distance from other and com:tins points. The- Madera Sugar Pine Company et al akii'g'the same allegations for their mo-vemenl decision as to rvho isright now rests with the and California Railroad Commissions. fur. H. M. Wade of 'San Francisco and Mr. Hof Los Angeles represented the Complainants an mer Wesdake was attorney for the Southern F sisted by Mr. H. C. Hallmark and IlIr- A. A. Joht Gwyn H. Baker of San Francisco ap-peared for tl Sugar Pine Company and others. In- all there an"array of legalialent around the table and the undoubiedly, ivhen decided, result in what has desired by iumbermen, an official and equitable a of the rates in question.
For-instance. the ra-te on lumber from, Westrvood, Cali,rnia, to Sacramento, California, is now 14c for a distance i 317 miles with a haul over the Sierra Nevadas' The rte from the Harbor to San Bernardino--€S miles is l6lc rd the rate from Portland to Los Angeles-l123 miles is )c as against 45c from San Pedro to Phoenix, Arizonai0 miles.
Many interests were concerned and interver Oregon and Northern California l\fills noticeablyexhi-bits were introduced by both sides and it will edly take some considerable time for the Comm disest them and render decision.
Benson Lumber ComPanY Rer Third Raft
Breaking all fornter records for time betrveen Colrrmbia -and San Diego Harborl the Tug "Ht arrived at that port on ihe morning of Augus-t 1' the third raft for the season for the Benson Lur pany's mill.
rterstate conna" towing r Com- favoied Northeln California and Orern mills as^agiinst the waterborne movement through San edro. Furth"er, it has curtailed distribution through the crt to a small aiea of what reasonably might be considered ; tributary to Los Angeles Harbor. I
On the showing made by the complainants the Southern ".ifi.
The Souihern PacifiJ Company denies this and claims rtes out of the port in all-cases are reasonable' The ll-ReY Booxo Boors ,[.-Rrv Loosr Lsrr BooE l.Rrv SrersrsnT & Accouit Lrocrrg
X-Rev Srocr Rzcou Srstrrs.
X-Rrv lwoexrre.
Rrpro F:rs lhcgtx! Boorrsrrrrc I:ocag
Rrsro Fnr Prrnrorr. Irwrroet Svstrx*
Rerro Ftrp frorx:rc.
Rroruu Qurcx Rzrsnxcr Ner: Inor:.
Rroruu Snonr Accouxt Lmsr Lur I.lmsr!
I{rusxr Recr Izocrr Brxozrq
Aoyusro Trat Brxprrs.
This raft, 900 feet long, and containing about i feet of logs in addition to a deck load of app three milli,on lath ar:d shingles, rvill be followed ly bv tu'o more. one that left on the l5th, being the :'Sea l\fonarch" and the other to leave on tl
The "Humaconna" made a record trip, taking days to make the triP.
I-Xer Fcrrno Crrrrrr. - Sencsrm SuttrY CEECr -sor"lr.
SrrvriJs veurr Trocr & lzocnr Rrr
Srro. Trncrr, Corr rro Boors
Frrr.r lfrcsrir Dodrrtruo I]rsrl
Dorors Crrrs
Slr Drrosr Boxr - ng V. Sclcoth SL TRrnrr 9f59
Srg, Srrrs. Fgtro Eovrrrrtr.
Sncrrs Rruo Burr B@r3
Srrcrer. Ios: Lsr Forxs. Crp lxprx SYsllrl & suPrLrt3
A3ocy: Brv City Lmbcr C,o' t. The r. Many ndoubtsions to iddiford Mr. El:ific, as)n. I\Ir. Madera as quito rses will ng been ustment )lves he lorve re million rximately nmediatetowed by : 25th. ut twelre
A. J. WG.t Lubcr Co.