1 minute read
Yes! Our PredictionsAre Coming T e! Watch'Em!
By Jack Dionne
Old Commodore Vanderbilt once remarked that-"Any man who plays the United States short is a damn fool'"
That's the way we feel about California'
That's the way we were feeling three months ago when there was so much pessimistic talk flying around about Southern California and her "slump," and the "sad conditionof the lumber business" in California, etc'
So we used every issue of The California Lumber Merchant to pump common sense, and optimism, and sunshine, and TRUTH into these California folks.
It sort of tickled us to hear our "misplaced optimism" criticized; our lack of "economics" deplored, etc'
We had to get up on our hind legs several times to tear down fogs of pessimism that had been turned loose in our territoryby "experts" who knew just how many years it would be before California could "come back," etc'
We said, in these columns and orally, that the depression in Southern California was only temporary, and that she would be booming again in no time. We said that the lumber market had always swung back and forth, and that we would have a fine fall business.
Already both predictions have materialized' Everything is improving, financially, economically, industrially, and
MENTALLY. Already the pessimists arc pessimism; doubt is turning into faith; frowns i fears into new-found courage.
For there is nothing ttre matter witt She needed a "purgative." She got it. There is no to stop the tide of prosperity, coming this way- This a bad year in many ways. The wavc of tourists, of workers, swung low. and as last ofrcr as then, since. in the marwonder-
It will swing bacL, and tte tide will bc the because of the "short" year. Nert winter will sec ln fine shape. Ncxt spring the tidc will swing as spring it swung low.
Tell that to your "cycle" sharps. Thc world iscoming to California- And Cdifornia has as much ever.
The lumber markct hal dready turncd" our Predictions July First. Souttern Pine swung up just as we said. It has been swinging higher \f,festern lumber has followed, just as tte pond seeks its generd lcvel. Thc Cdifornia ket has taken a fine surge upward. Things fullybetter. Thc old gang is smiling again.
Prospects look great.