2 minute read
Lumber Salesmen's Club Have Annual Picnic
The Annual Picnic of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco and their invited guests was held on August 17 at the IIoo-IJoo Inn near eupertino in the beaut"iful Santa Clara Valley.
The afternoon was spent in outdoors sports which tvas featured bv a baseball game for the men-and a shoe race for the lades. At six o'ilock, the party which consisted of sixty-five, enjoyed an excellent dinner-lvhich was followed by dancing until late in the evening.
Mel Salomon and Fred Roth formed the general arrange- ment committee for the party. Richard C. jones and Hairy Corlett h-ad charge of the .iports u,hile Bbb Gehring had charge of the music. Eddie Brush and Ward Brori'n received. special commendation for their rvork in assisting the committee in making the affair such a great success.
Those who attended u'ere: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Saloman; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kerr; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I\{ood-v; I\{r. and Mrs. Chis. McFariane; Mr. and M-rs. I_{enry Bodie; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Elliott j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart; Mr. and Mrs. Williim Rampe an<l party; _Mr, and_!{rs._lIenry Faull; Mr. and Mrs. J. b. Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. N. M.- Hutchinson: Mr. and -Mrs. J_oh_nson; Hutchinson; and G. M. Buckley: I\f r. and Mrs. Ward Rrorvn : Mr. and y; Ward Brou'n: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Porn'ers; Mr. and Mrs.' Jim Syming.t""; ntr. a"a
Logging Wheels
Special Weber
Cast Steel Light rnd ExceptionaIIy Strong.
Alro Builderr of 2, 4 and 6 Wheel Trailerr WEBER AUTO AND TRAILER WORKS
15OS Santa Fe Ave. Lor Angeler
SPeciolt!: Old Groatth Ycllou Fir Clcus Southcra Rercrcntrtivc
ALPINE LBR. C0. '"'#s#v
Mrs. Sam Towle; Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Smith; Mr. and Mrs._ Joseph Rolando; Mr. and Mis. C. W. Jenne; Mr. 1gd Mr.s._Joseph. Bell and party; Eddie Sudden-and party; Mr. and Mrs. Edrvard Bruih; Hugh Mcphee; Otto Freesl i Bill Clarkson and partv; Bob Sudden and Richard C. Jones.
Loan Service Aids Building
From the Oakland "Tribune.',
Fifteen homes under way since July 5, the day the company formally opened its 6uilding-loin service, is the contr.ib1ti.o.n of Matheny Bros. Lumber Co. to the development of Oakland and the Eastbay as it offects the small'home owner. And these are home that otherwise would not have been started. The "personal building service,' of Matheny Bros. made them possible.
. "We are highly gratified with the response of the small home owners to our special personal building service," said-Roy -Ma_theny, who with his brother, Harry-, own and conduct the Matheny Bros. Lumber Co. yard and buitding service at East Fouiteenth street and Twentv-fifth avenui "As we told the people when we opened, our idea is that more people should own their own homes. The The question has been to arrange a plan which is fair to them and puts a nas Deen ro ar-rang'e whrch ts a home within their reach. We believe we have come niarest to solving the problem of the man or woman of limited means who wants to own his or her own home. Combining the services of our building department with our buildin! materials department, aiding the home owner to check hii plans and.thus keep building.costs down, furnishing plans when desired, rve are able to give the small homJowner that service rn'hich he has long needed."
Baldwin Parkyardready To Open
The Community Lumber Company, Merced Street, Baldn'in Park, is about to open for business.
"Everlastingtt Flardwood Flooring is manufacfirred under idealconditions by men who understa:nd fine woodworLing. ft is scientificdly kiln-dried, tongued and grooved with split-hair precision, and shipped in wire-bound, easily handled bundles.