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Western Building Promoters Sell Williamson's Plans
R. M. Williamson, of Dallas, Texas, the nationally nown Platt Book Man, has been a visitor in Los Angeles rr the past ten days, and has entered into an arrangement .hereby the retail'lumber trade of California rvill-begiven *."tL.tit opportunity to see and use his plan service in the rture.
As a matter of fact \{r' Williamson's photographers have een photosraphing beautiful California homes for the past ii.L'y."t.-to^tttp[ly his plan books rvith nen' ideas, and ie laige majority'of his fromes are already built in Calirrnia.
Mr. Williamsonhas appointed the nes'ly organiztd Vesterr, Building Promoiers, of Los -Angeles,,.as sale,s sents for his entire plan service in California' 'I-hey wtll ?obably cover Arizona likewise. This concern is comosecl oi three voung men u'ho are.long.experiencedin ql-an oof. *"i.. work,-having been idenlified rvith The Naional Builders Bureau fJr years. The firm consists of .- i. p"o". Rex D. Westoni and L' P' Buckley' Their ffitev aie'at 527 I. W. Hellman Building, Los Angeles' lhey have been rvorking for.some tjqe on a plan, a.$vgrisine. an<l trade extensi6n se'rvice of their orvn to sell the ;"iilL";" Lumber trade, and they have simply added f\{r' Milliamson's line of Plan Books to their business, since ,n account of its particular character it does NOT conflict uitt ttte service rvhich they themselves rvill furnish the rade.
Mr. Williamson follorvs a unique line of Plan He furnishes no advertising or selling service of He simply creates modern and practical- plan t lumber dealers that are guaranteed absolutely c every detail, and he selts them outright in setr consists of a stifi-backed plan album, containing five pages, each page being of stifilinen, with-ar photogiaph of a home, and a floor. plan of attache' -the nime of the lumberman who purchases tl printed in gold on the front cover of the dbur complete sets of blue prints, one for each hon albuh. The album and blue prints are delivered all at one time, complete. Mr. Williamson em highest class of architects to make his plans, and guaranteed perfect.
The Williamson,plans are knorvn nationally. nishes the plans foi the Southern Pine Associal dealer service from which have been built abot homes. He likervise furnishes the plans for va eastern firms that promote home building-, among plan service of The Long-Bell Lumber Companl Cameron & Company, and others.He has a tr from a single retiil line yard concern that they I about 5,000 homes from his Plans.
Mr. Williamson is a lifelong lumberman' a ma means, who has been out of the lumber busines