2 minute read
.A'beralccn Lrnbcr & Shlnalc Co- Aber'leen' Wrsh' Amerlcrn Mlu co.' Aberdeen' wasn' fr;fii;;irimtlr'c ehlrglg co., Eoqulam' Warb' ei"-rpit lutll Co- Prosper' Ore' ft;"J'-.;;i^;;itir co-- Ravmond' vfash-' - l'i'r".'Tifi;= flJiE-Lo-r"r o6., south Bend'' wasb' i;1;-";i-ilttt co., Aberdeen' wash' ilwi;-futlt;-&-irht"t oe., south Bend' wash' i.-i.-ri-r. slrDsre Go- Sbuth Bend' W'ash'
Glo Arctic Club BIdg.
6th Floc-Hi
230 Califomi
Seatde San Fran'
Didributing Agentr for ClarL-Nickerron Lunbcr Co. Evcrctt, QYuh.
Dcmprey Lumbcr Co, Trcorne, Warh.
Dc6ancc L'nlsr Coo Tacomrr l\farh.
FcrrSr Bakcr Lumbcr Coo Evcrct! Wuh. Littlc Rivc Rcdwood Co, Hunboldt Bey.
Setice. ,ny kind. ooks for rrrect in . Aset twentyoriginal I thereto, .e set is ; and. 25 e in the and sold rloys the they are He furon retail r 1m,000 rious big them the , of Wm. stimonial ave built of large actively
!!TE^IEBt nd Blds.
Brootlyr natr.rl Ge16cl Crch ' Gntr Errbor Ctrrlar Ofdttclr.r Grtlcrhc lo. !'rddcr EaD Cld.icL.r Ytlltr Etr.
9111) A. G. Bd1.il a Slrcct circo Lo Angclcr
. Opcradng Stcam
W. R. Chrnb.din' Jr. Der F. Hrdor iiuy Hrdor Bcrtir Hrdol LOS for a numlter of years, and has given all'of his time to the development of his plan service to help build more and better hornes. His son, Alex Williamson who is associated rvith him in the sale of his Plan Books, accompanied him to California.
The members of the \,Vestern Building promoters are !Stigl!:9. rvith the selling contract they -have made with Mr. Williamson and expecl to make this iervice well known in California.
Berkeley Comtemplating Law Change
Berkeley-contemplates revising its building laws so that the city will have a uniform law with San Fiancisco, Oak- land .and othel bay cities. City Manager Jno. N.'Eddy has directed Building Inspectoi gtanley Kbch and City Attorney Earl J. Sinclair to make a study of the Berkelev laws and to call in a local architect and -builder to confer 9"..t!." prgposed changes. At present Berkeley has a local building larv which a-cording io Building Inspector Koch conflict.
Predicts Heavy Building Season
,.H9.""t blil$jng.this fall particularly in peninsula and Northern California interior- sections is the' prediction of Henry E, Tweed, mqnagel of the factory-cut products de- partment of the National Mill & Lumbir Co.- An unpre_ cedented number of inquiries has been received duiing the past month, according to Tweed.
Oakdale Lumber Company Sold
Tilden Lumber & ]\,{ill Co. of Oakland has taken over the Oakdale Lumber Co. at Oakdale. The consideration is reported to be in the neighborhood of g25,000.00.
KelloggLumber Company, New Wholesalers at Los Angeles
The Kellogg Lumber Company has opened offrces at 911 Central Building, Los Angeles, and will conduct a general wholesale business, specializing in California White and Sugar Pine, and Red Fir.
The Company, headed byMr. C. M. Kellogg, will also handle uppers in Douglas Fir, and they have a Redwood account. This department is being handled by Mr. C. J. Meilstrup, well known throughout Southern California, through his association with the Germain Lumber Company, at Los Angeles.
Mr. Kellogg, besides his California business, is largely interested in the hardwood game, and the Kellogg Lumber Company, of California, will handle hardwood lumber manufactured by the Panola Lumber & Manufacturing Company, Memphis, and the Kellogg Lumber Company, of Fondale, Louisiana. These two mills are manufacturing Southern Gum and Oak exclusively. Mr. Kellogg is president of both companies, and they are managed by his two brothers.
^ l{_o_-9t T. Hayr,r'ard Lumber Co. capitalized. at $150,- 000.00 has filed articles of incorporation at Santa Cruz. Directors are Homer T. IJayrvard. Maud A. Hayward, Arthur G. Hayward and C. H. Griffen, Jr.