4 minute read
C. L. M. Publisher Addresses San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club
The San Fernando Valley Lumbermens Club met at their regular monthly luncheon, at the Black Cat Cafe, San Fernando, on the night of Wednesday, August'13th.
The Club, formed just sixty days ago, is growing rapidly, .and now numbers twenty-six members, from seventeen Iards. The membership is taken from the yards located at San -Fernando, Owensmouth, Newhall, Van Nuys, Zelzah and Reseda. They provide for a membership for iwo repre- sentatives from each yard, and it is underitood will limit their membership to this district.
President Campbell called the meeting to order after an excellent dinner and called for a report from the Committee on_Arrangements for their first Annual Ladies Night.
This affair is scheduled for the evening of September 10th, at the Encino Country Club. Arran[ementj are be- ing ma_de_ for a -dinner and a ball, and it ii expected that this will be a highly enjoyed event.
After the reading of minutes of the former meeting, and the disposal of other Club matte'rs, the President introfuced Mr. Jack Dionne, publisher of ,,The California Lumber Merchant."
Mr. Dionne talked to the members on .,Modern Merchandising." He dwelt on the possibilities in the Building Material Merchandising game, ]nd of the duties of the re"r tail lumberman toward hiscommunity.He said that it should be the acknowledged duty of ev-ery member present to see to it that his company made at least onb sale to every home owner in his district, at least once each year. Ho spoke of the necessity of the modern plan and Arihitectural Service that all up to date yards have installed, and of the non-competitive business that could be built up.
Mr. Dionne's talk was applauded by the mimbers, and he received the hearty thanks of the President with an invitation to "come again."
The Club meets regularly on the evening of the second Wednesday of each month.
Our20 years' expefience in eerving trade has proven the wisdom of our policy stocks on hand at the dock or in transit on northern lumber ports.
SPRUCE the California lumber of selling lumber from our own eteamers from delivery and of getting the finest quality by taking advantage of our lumber eervice. STEAMERS co. Guco Bldg, Portland
Joe La Rue and The
By Joe Himself
Las' time I pass me on de town, For mak de sport encore; I think for tak some back wit me So I go on radio store, An' I tell de feller back of bar I got de cash on han', For buy hees bes' gawdam machine Dat play de wireless ban'.
So me, I buy de fine machineCos'price of fifty quart, But I don' care for beeg exPense' So long I have de sPort
I pack heem up an' tak de boat, For pass on Haywire BaY'
An' tink bout lots of fun we have, Bedamme ! we'll make her PaY.
De boys at camp was mightY Please Wen dey see what I was bring; Dey work lak hal for feex her uP, An'mak de wireless sing.
'Bout nine o'clock we get her JakeAn' I turn on de juice; She geev wan yell lak Siwash Ann+ You tink she's on de loose.
"Dat's alright, mY fren," I saY, "She go better Pretty soon; It tak some tam for warm her uP
An' play de firs' class tune." I try again-for one minute

We hear fine iazzy !31'-
But den some feller sing a song, Bout "ain got no banan."
"De weather she has come mor'col"' Was nex thing dat we hear; An' "Bootleggaire on Bellingham Is pinch for selling beer."
Den once again we hear nice tune, But den-mojee ! batan !
Dat haywire punk keeP on hees song, Bout "ain got no banan."
Jeem cries ! Dat fellar mak me mad, Jus sure's I feel de'troot;
He spoil de music every tam, Wit hees bunch of dago fruit. So I get de axe from bull-cook An bus her slick an clean, Now he ain' got no yes-baban, An we got no machine.
(From a p Bulletin)
Every maker of a new fad food that comes {ong hac 16 tell us in specific terms just exactly how much lmore nourishment there is in each package of their dope,l than there is in a pound of beefsteak- Isn't it about timelthe lumber folks got out a little of this alleged-statistical regarding sawdust? How do we know? We r{ay be overlooking a fortune?
The time is coming when the beautiful you admire on the signboards you pass, will just as many beautiful home and other building as theynow have automobile, tobacco, and cream invitations to buy. complerion
"Capacity-ONE S\f,IEET UAUA-" "The tin you love to touch."
"This car has put many a good girl on her
When the weatter suits you not, When your coffee isn't hot, TRYSUILING
When your neighbors don't do TRYSUILING
When your relatives dl fight, Sure it's hard, but tten you mi TRYSUILING.
Doesn't change the things of JUST SUILING
But it cannot make ttem worse And it seems to help your case, JUST SUILING
Brightens up a gloomy place, Then it sort O' rests your face JUST SMTLTNG.
To garage man: "Joe, your doctot's out tirertt
Jo*"Diagnose the case as flatulcncy of and charge him accordingly. That's thc way

Prompt Delivery
Added equipment now enables us to guarantee full shipments of Perfection Brand Oak Flooring upon receipt of order.
The demand for Perfection has increased so rapidly that for the past season we have been scarcelY able to keep up with this demand.
This growing popularity of Perfection can only be due to the Perfect matching, uniform grading,andour national advertising in the leading home magazines.
We have some attractive folders and a new beautifully illustrated book which we will supply for distribution among prospective home builders. Ask for samples and full information.
Arkansas Oak
Pine Bluff, Arkanrar