3 minute read
UPERFECTION' Brand Oak Flooring
South and 'WeetPledge SuPPort to Ben Woodhead for Hoo Hoo Snark
(From GuU Coast Lumberman, August l5th)
With thc anaual mceting of Hoo-Hoo clorc et^ hrad' bt"t".i-Joor tbc -.-uo" in-all rcctionr ir slotittg bvoluc' fn Oc SoutE arrcll ar in thc Xlcrt thb bt rcrt L Delilcrtctl i" -*tir"-.ith til.clccdoa of e mcccsc to C. D' IG' Mastcr as Saart of thc Univctrc.
---S-i"; th-Da-" of aclr Woodhca4 of Bcstqlod' Tq4' hae bcco put forrard by hir fricod!' old cetr ld you+t ht: &-thr"tigh;,tt tlc Soith and Wcrt are enrr-gring thc--gtr and it is J:pectod tlet e rtrmg &l,cgati'oa Fl gD b -Ifi!niaooUJ-ncri nooth to lrcscot Eir namc to thc c@vcdi@'
---B"th th" Oioo"o pitti"ationr' T!9--qq[ Coert Luobcr-"o-ii-a EHE-cALIronxre -LUUBER rER9rrAN-T' navc alrcadv "ooot-"cd trcir spport of !rfr' woodhcad for thc honor ol gnidinc thc destincr of Hoo-Hoo DGtt ycar' -- C;;;ndE ia"l"cr frm Cdiforai+-that ltrb bar drcaaipractiJfuy-pt ag"a it$lti! fevc of Xr- Woodbcd ud ;u'dd a liniai dei[cslEon to thc covtotioa b hi. bGh.E lUit ati lootinr-to Ucttcrared Louiriane b bG -lcfc- scotid at thc annual ti6 biS dclcgatiolr in rupprt of ticir home candidatc.
---pa* S"ati of ttc Univcrrc Franf Trorcr' rto irc of thc leadinr lloo-Hoor ir Cstirclir" b8tt!.a elrtive part in pushhs- thc can<Edecy of Ir. Woodhca4 aad ottcr lcadinrmcmFrr of the cdcr lrc baeling hin sp.
- Therc ir no qucrtion but tbat ihc Sootb crn lend the tronor oi-a-ting ehc Beaunont naq if a cooccttd cfiort ir madc, bccausc frr. Woodhcad irlcll Lnorn in hdcr cbIti -dnrougtout thc couatry, ald ti$ rtc unitcd rqport o[ both tbc South and thc Wist, bclidc. rtcrumct of oany othet scctions, hil clcction tould bG arrulcdSncc Mr.' Woodbcad ir aot rccling thc bohc but b.l beca olaccd in thc nrnoins bv b fricoal+ itit W to'thc ncmbirs of ttc ordcr and ibc HeHoo cbb. bffu rcctio to give hi- tbcir hcartt lupport and crpccidly b gqt--but and scc that a fornldablc delcgation il lcnt to bcxircapolir convcation rrcrt rnonttl
Los Angeles Hoohooclub Hears End Of Lectures
The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club met a! thei-r reC{lf weekly luncheoi at the Los Angeles Athletic Club on Friday, August lsth. There wala- vgT small attendancc, cauied Ui ttre attraction of the Golf Tournament staged at the Breniwood Country Club, on the same date.
C. S. Estes announced that a base ball team it Big Bear Lake had challenged theHoo Hoo team, and that they would likeagamiat the lake, in the near future' The matter was turned over to the team manager.
A resolution was passed, putting the Los Angeles Club on record as being in favor 6f Spo-kane, Washin4on being selected as the place for the 1925 Annual- A Committee was appointed, ind instructed to forward the resolution to Snark6f the Universe, C. D. Le Master.
It was announced that David Woodhead, of the Woodhead Lumber Company, Los Angeles, and- paqt Vicegerant Snark of the Los Angeles District, would be proposed at Minneapolis, for electi,on to the Supreme Nine, to-represent California. A resolution uras pasJed, endorsing his candidacy.
Professor Smiley gave the fourth and last of his lectures on lumber. IJnfortunately the picture slide machine failed to function and the Professor was unable to show a series of views of California forests that would have been interesting. He answered numerous questions by the members' The Snark thanked him on behalf of the Club for the instructive talks.
An announcement was made in regard the Dinner Dance that was scheduled for that evening'
Remetfrberue ttto,nufacture both ee and * inch boards
The Wall Board Q.t"stion
There are rnany different kinds of wall boards on the rnarkdt. Sorne of thern are good, sofile are indilferent and soltle of thern are very bad.
It is the verv bad ones that you should be warned against. The only virtue they have is the rrrice and this is not a virtue as you wiil so6n find out after t}re board has been up a short while.
Wtry not getthebest? It will prove econornical in the long nrn.
You can mske sure of getting wall board that will alwavs give cornplete satisfaction if you insist urr6n-Schurnacher V/all Board. Look for the drade-rnark on every piece you buy.
Schumacher Wall Board is a totally different kindofwall board. Its manufacture is protected byU. S. patents, and it is backed by the narne of a retrrutable rnanufactrrref,.
Accept nosubstitutes for this superior wall board. Your carpentef, or builder or lurnber dealer will tell youabout Schumacher Wall Board.

The name
Scftum acher stands for quality in materiol and seraice