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Los An$eles to Vote for Snark
Will select condidate for recommendation to State Councellor who zpitl make fitnl oppointment.
The I-os Angeles District Hoo Hoo will vote for their choice for Vicegerant at the luncheon at the Los Angeles Athletic Club on Friday September 5th.
At the rveekly meeting on August 22nd,, nominations were taken from the floor, three for Snark, and from one to three for the other eight offices making up the Nine. It rvas decided that the Standing Committees would be appointed by the Nine, and a resolution was passed that all men before being eligible for candidacy should be a member of Hoo Hoo for at least one year.
The three men nominated, one of whom will be chosen and recommended to the State Councellor, are:
C. J. Laughlin, manager for the Long Bell Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
Befne S. Barker, of the Pacific Ready Cut Homes Co., Los Angeles.
Phil B.Hart, I\{anaging Editor, "The California Lumber Ilerchant.
It is a good ticket.
Mr. Laughlin, hailed as "Clint" by everyone, is one of the most popular of the Southern California boys. He is about thrrty-live years old, has been a lumberman for a good percentage of the time, has a dignity that would grace the position, as lvell as a reputation for having a keen mind and a ready rvit that would give Hoo Hoo a great leader.
Berne S. Barker, one of the heads of the Pacific Ready Cut Homes, Inc., is equally well fitted to handle the job. He is a well known gentleman with a fine personality, has done great service for the grder in his faithful committee work, and rvould no doubt make' a good Snark.
PhilHart, the third candidate, has been in the lumber game in Southern Califot'nia for fifteen years. For the past year and a half he has been Managing Editor of "The California Lumber Merchant, and prior to that rvas Sales Manager forthe Woodhead Lumber Company, Los Angeles.He enjoys the acquaintance of a great number of Southern California lumbermen, has been in the order for a number of years, and has been prominently identified in the order, through his having served as Senior Hoo Hoo under Curtis Williams, and through his serving on various committees for the past three years.
After a conference rvith Snark of the lJniverse LeMaster, at Santa Cruz, Vicegerant Rosenberg has changed the original plans for the'election of the other officers,. Instead of balloting for a selection for each position, it will be the duty of the newly elected Snark to appoint the members of his Nine, and it will be recom,mended that he make his selections from the list nominated at this meeting. Nominations for the place were mado as follows:
For Senior Hoo Hoo:
F. M. Coanolly, Woodhcad Lumbct Co.
C. S. Estcs, J. O. Means Co.
For Junior Hoo Hoo:
B. W. Bookctaver, UcCullough Fagan Luobcr C,o.
H. V. Ilarrsoq Cdifcnie Pand & Vcoccr Co.
A. L. Hoovcr, A. L. Hoovcr Co.
F. W. Wilso4 Ucycr & Hodgc.
For Bojum:
J. A. Tho-"r, C,oos Bay Lr'-bcr Co.
G. F. Tully, A- W. Sutdth Luober Co.
C. J. Bemis, Benir & Cman
For Arcanopcr:
T. E. Lawrencq Eert-Wood Lumba Co.
Clifi Bergstrom, McDoaald & Hardnglon
T. W. Jacobs, Lurnbcrmcn's Rcciprocal I
For Custocationi
T. _W. Jacots, Rcci!'roal Asocietioo.
M. G. Coe, Woodhcad Luobcr Co.
For Scrivcnotcr:
W. B. Wickcrshan, Chas..R tcCotlicl & Co.
Harvey Bowlee, Long-Bell Lunbcr Co.
For Gurdon:
F. A. Dcrnicr, Lrunbcrmen-r Scrvicc Asloci.lti@-
N. H. Parsons, Ganahl Lunbcr Co rror JaDDCrwocE: -
Earl.Hoffman, $}lloffman Co.
B. W. Byrne, Wcstci Hardrood Luobct Co.
J. J. RcA \fif. f,. Qhanhcdin Qe.
J. L. Hodge, Ucyer & HodSGFor Treasurcr:
Milton Mctder, Miller Bor & Lunbcr @. Wiffrcd Coopcr, Wi[rcd Coopcr Lumbcr Co.
J. C. Ellis, Santa Fc Lunbcr Co.
Ballots will be mailed to every Hoo Hoo member in the Los Angeles District, about August 28th, with instructions to check the name chosen and to either bring marked ballot to the September 5th meeting, or to mail to the Scrivenoter, prior to that date.
The announcements for the nomination meeting were gotten up in a clever rvay, and excited much cqrrrmenL They read as follorvs:
All Officrn tor !G rlf fr Eh:tl It Brllo,t PRIMARIES, AUGUST 22Dd Blue Room, Loc Ansclcr Athlaic Club 12:fl1 Noon
6lvir Colldr Bolrtrr
Johr Drvir Hst
Robcrt lrFollottc Hrnro l-co Tntrky Brrtc
Western RedCedar Poles, and Fir
In the last Hoo-Hoo "Bulletin." Henrv Isherwood said: q'That of course, is highly important.But the principal reason why you should pay promptly if to safeguard your pprsonal interests in the work of Hoo-Hoo. If you are delinquent the $100.00 death benefit payable to your beneficiary automatically is suspended and is not reinstated until 60 days after delinquent dues have been received at the fnternational Office."
"It is my purpose here to call to your attention the very important matter of paying your 1925 dues promptly. They are now due. You can readily see the importance of prompt payment of dues to the general welfare of the Order. The activities throughout our broad domain necessarily cost money. Anything worth while does. When dues are paid promptly International Headquarters and officers in the various districts are free to devote their full efforts to promoting these activities.
For the thirty-third time Great Hoo-Hoo has sounded the call to his sons of the North, the South, the East and the West to mobilize under the banners of Friendship, Confidence and Education.
"On to Minneapolis-September 8, 9 and 10" is more than a mere convention slogan. It is an invitation to the lumber industry of the rvorld to assemble under the frqternal influence of Hoo-Hoo, and to rveldfrom its best thought a program dedicated to friendly co-operation within the industry and sterling service to the public.

It is with keen pleasure that I add to the call of Great Hoo-Hoo my personal invitation, as Snark of the lJniverse, to lumbermen throughout the world, regardless of whether they are members of the Order, to join with us in this most important meeting. Those who cannot join us in Minneapolis may do their bit by offering suggestions to the Secretary-Treasurer for the betterment of Hoo-Hoo.
Hoo-Hoo has enjoyed in the past year a tremendous membership growth. Zest has been given to its very activity by the unquenchable spirit and loyalty of its sons. The road lies straight ahead toward greater achievements for the industry and the public it serves. Let's take it.
C. D. Le Master.
J. M. Brown, president of the Long Lake Lumber Company and one of the outstanding Western Hoo-Hoo, was elected president of the Spokane, Wash. Hoo-Hoo Club at the Annual meeting.He succeeds that most ardent and energetic Ffoo-Hoo, R. L. Bayne, u'ho served as president of the club for a year and at the same time very ably attended to the duti-es of Vicegerent Snark.
Charles Platt,an important cog in the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company organization, was named vice-president; E. R. Edgerton, secretary, and R. B. Canfield, Advance Lumber Company, treasurer. The directors are: W. G. Ramshaw, Ramshaw Lumber Company; L. C. Carr, Western Pine Manufacturing Company; C. D. Fludson, Exchange Lumber Company; H. L. Masterson, National Builders' Bureau, andC. A. Weiss, Central Warehouse Lumber Company.
Vicegerent Bayne was renominated for that post, and Andrew McCuiag was approved as an ideal man for the Supreme Ninefrom the Northwest. His name will be proposed to the Annual.
Spokane is determined to land the 7925 Annual of Hog- IIoo, and the newly elected president. indicated in a brief speech that he will continue the aggressive pace set by his predecessor in endeavoring to accomplish this. H-e urged the sending of a strong delegation to Minneapolis.
Whereby these tluee huetling young Plan Book rpecialirtc are now the Sals Agcntr fc all the Wi[ia-"on Plan Book Service in the State of Cdifornia, and they ere drudy out among t{re lumber trade displaying tfiie very practical and at'lractive rewicc. They will be slad to tell and show you about it'