2 minute read
A FTbl, -Ceiling, Floor-ing, Mouldingr, Commonr, etc., from reveral of the most reliable milrr in oregon and warhington. Alro Redwood from Humboldt co.ntv 'ritt",-ii"rl.Jliiip- mentr with Oregon Pine if derired. CARGO
_Eve-ry.thing_ in _Fir and Redwood for prompt ahiprrent to San Pedro, Redondo or San Diego.
har iust anivcd at Lo AD' gelee llarbor from qrr mitls in the Islands.
Check up on ydrr nccdt. We can make pronpt dc' liveriee in carload lotr at rurpriringlY low Pricer
We are direct imPortcre of dl Philippine Hardwoodr -for furniture and cabinet work, interiu tdnr ruht doon, etc. ShiPmcntr arc coming forward at fre' quent interwalr.
If you ere not famitiar with all the rnany utet to which there beautiful hardwoodr are adaptable, write fc a copy of our free booklet
"Philippine Hardwodr and Thcir IJtc.." Pricc.t deliveriel and other infor' mation gladly furdrhcd-
Mr. Business Man! Are You Guilty?
(From the "Rodeo," Rotary Club Magazine)
Fred Kellcy, authoq-of numerrus books on'business subjects, recently ofrercd a prize for thc worst busincss letter. Hcre ii the one that took the prize:
This is to acknowledge your kind favor of the 31st ult. and note your rcferencc to our ad.
Wc beg herein-to hand_you our catalog, together with price list, embracing a line of Brief Cases and Portfolios, * !V^e beg herein to hand you also a circular showing a line of Snet L;ascs that do not apDear in the catalos.
W_e are pleased to name you a discouni of 50 per cent trade rrom thosc pnces.
.- $gbj.qt -to -the following terma, nanelyz 2 pr cent for cash rf pllq strictly in 10- days from datc of inrroice' oi 30 days net _- We also. note that you are intercsted in-the travciing goods line and we lieg hercin t6 hand you our ""t t"s. emOracinc-a -site; Irne of Travcl;ng Bags, such as Club, Kit, Glaiistone and Suit Case Etyle!,_ each number of dependable quality.
We arc qilgascd to name you 4d pcr cent disocunt from thesc prrceq and subiect to our regular terms a8 above citcd.
W_e believc if you are inlerested in securing cithcr a nice line of Po'rtfolios- or, Travcling Bags, that you will-be able to make a corrrect selection of your requircments.
Awaiting your further kind favors, we remain Yours truly,
Note thc number of palavering words. A translation of the prizc__letter into_ simpler l,anguage might bc somewhit as toilowi: \il/e-are sending-you our catilogs,-circular and price lists show- ing brief cases, portfolios and traveling bags. Our-terms are 2 per cent for cash rrithin ten 4ays after invoicg or thirty days net, Lesides 50 pcr cen't tr_?de discount on brief cases or'po*iotios,'a"t 40 per ccnt on travcling bags.
To Cut Fir
Mr. Chester McReynolds, of Blue Lake, has purchased 'the Fernwood sawmill from the Austin Lumber Co*patry, is installing machinery, and in a short time will be cultting the fir logs that are stored atthismill, which is located near Bald Mountain.

The Albion Lumber
"tor"a all its property, comprising the lands on the Albion and Navarro Ri"ers an<i their tributa4gs, to camping and hunting for the balance of the season. This step was taken in ordei to protect the redwood timber holdings of the company from'destruction by hre.
The 1924 Membership Roster of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club hasJust been sent out from the office of their- very efficient and popular secretary, Mr. I. E. Brink, of Chico.
The Roster, ve_ry well arranged, and in an attractive gray cover, contains the names of seventy one lumber complny members in twelve counties, and also the names ofthirtv seven wholesaler members, mostly at San Francisco anl Oakland.
L.H. Chapman, of Sacrarnento, is President of the Club this year, and Mr. Brink is Secretary
Mr. H. M. Van Houten, manager of the Hammond Lumber Company yard at Brawley, has returned from a several weeks vacation trip through the Northwest.