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The golfer may have "form," skill, power, and various ability to demonstrate golfing, but if he cannot "keep his eye on the ball," rvhich means CONCENTRATION, the other assets will prove useless to him.
The baseball player may have youth, speed, experience, strength, and skill, but if he cannot CONCENTRATE on his game, he will soon lose out.
The attorney may have mental equipment galore, thorough schooling in law, the Power of oratory and persuasion, but if he cannot CONCENTRATE on the points at issue, he u'ill be more or less of a failure.
And so on throughout the list of wordly accomplishments that require mental activity. Genius will not prove useful unless backed by efficiency, and efficiency cannot be obtained without power of concentration.
And the lumber dealer of the modern sort, who aims to become a success as a building specialist, the BUILDING AUTHORITY of his torvn, needs the art of CONCENTRATION as much as any other man.
Look yourself over, Mr. Lilmber Dealer, Take stock of yourself."Frisk yourself" as the slang phrase goes, and see rvhich you are developing-SCATTERATION or CONCENTRATION.
At the regular luncheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco held at the Palace Hotel on August ll, Mr.J. C. Kerr u'as admitted as a new member- Mr. Kerr is well known among the lumber fraternity of the Bay District and is associated with the Acme Lumber Co' of San Francisco.
Sart Macomber On Eastern Trip
'Bart Macomber, of F. B. Macomber & Son, San Francisco, is on ari extended business tripin the east where he is calling on the lumber trade of the Atlantic Coast and Middle West. He has arranged his itinerary so as to attend the Hoo-Hoo Annual at Minneapolis. He plans to return to San Francisco around the middle of September'
Bill Rampe, manager of the San Francisco retail yard of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co., has returned to the Bay District after spending an enjoyable two weeks' vacation touring through the Northwest. He visited Portland, Seattle, .rrd V"n"ouver, B. C., and also made the trip to Mount Ranier and over the scenic Columbia River Highway' He was accompanied by Mrs- Rampe on the triP'