1 minute read
Manh-Strong Building, Lor Angelcr Phone TRinity 9667 ovah de haid with a fence post. De doctah says mah ankles is wrenched. Ah waz lucky tho, cause de club but de fust time he hits me. De doctah says if'n he'd a hit me cross de haid one mo time he'd a jest broke down mah insteps. Mah feet always waz tendah."
Then there is the old classic about the nigger who was just as tough, but on the reverse end. FIe was standing alongside a hot bonfire one night, bare footed, when someone said to him: rccorcl is briefly related. The article is reprirtted from a book receutly issued b;" the company entitled "Long-I3ell I-umLrer Operations in the Pacific Northwest." The Log is devoted largely to the nsrr' lqno-Bell operations at Longvierv. Washington.
"Sambo, pick yo feet up boy. Doan you know you got one foot on a big, red-hot coal?"
"Sho nuff?" replied Sambo interestedly, "which foot?"
Catholic school erected in 1870
E IFTY-THREE yearr aso l' built this Catholic school C-alifornia. It is now being Redwood lumbcr it containe.
Father Henncberry for boye at Alton, torr.down for the