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C. nil" ClErk, Reprercntative Loe Angdce Chicago Lumber C-o. of Warh. San Fnncirco
At the Directors meeting held at Santa Cruz on Saturday, August 23rd,, it was decided to hold the Annual Meeting of the State Retail Association, somervhere in the Southern part of the state, probably Los Angeles. The time and location of the meeting rvas left for action by the Executive Board. The Annual rvill be held sometime in November.
The meeting, rvhich was s'ell attended, rvas held after the sessions of the Milhvork Institute of California Convention.
'Spokane, Wash. Aug. 17, 1924. California Lumber l\[erchant, Fay Building, Los Angeles, Calif.
Gentlemen: The 22nd, Annual Institute of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association will be held at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, \Vash., February l8th, 19th and 2oth, 1925.
Yours very trull'.
Bloedel-f!,,onovan Purchase Lar$e ShinEle Mill
(F ro n " The H eod S azuj' hotse organ, Bloedcl-D onotton Lvmber Mills.) THE
New Shingle Mill
The Diamond B brand rvill go on a nevt' product in the very near future,-British Columbia shingles, for the Shell Shingle l\'fill at South Vancouver has been purchased by Bloedel, Stewart & Welch of Vancouver of rvhich Mr. J. H. Bloedel is the president. The large clear, edge-grain, British Columbia have long ago established a good name in the American market, and especially in the past ferv years when they have been allorved to enter the United States duty free.
The nerv mill is one of the largest in the Pacific Northwest with twenty-two upright machines and is said to be the most modern and best equipped mill in the district. About fifty men will be employed and it is expected some of these will come from Bellingham where the shingle mills have been dorvn for some time.
Although the mill will be operated by Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, the shingles will be sold through the sales force of the Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills and will bear the Diamond B Brand. This rvill mean that about a million shingles a day will be sold on the American market from this new mill. With the large capacity of the mill, cargo orders which are usually of good size may be cut and shipped on very short notice.